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Apple: game streaming services arrive on the App Store

Apple has announced a series of changes for its App Storeincluding opening up to game streaming, with services such as Xbox Cloud Gaming e GeForce Now. Previously, we could play through these services on iOS only with a web browser. Now Microsoft, Nvidia and other vendors will be able to offer complete apps directly through theApp Store.

Apple: game streaming services arrive on the App Store

According to what was stated by Apple in a blog post, “developers can now submit a single app with the ability to stream all the games offered in their catalog.” This change, which applies “worldwide,” represents a significant change: until now, Apple required that each game arrive as a single app, reviewed before release.

In 2020, it seemed like Apple had already opened a space for cloud gaming services inApp Store. But in fact, he asked to evaluate each game individually and launch it as an app. This change of direction, therefore, is significant.

Apple revenues

Apple has, however, stated that “every experience made available in an app on theApp Store must adhere to all audit guidelinesApp Store and its host app will need to maintain an age rating of the highest age-rated content included in the app.” In short: this opening does not mean lowering standards.

Additionally, developers will now have a better chance of getting discovered streaming games, mini-apps, mini-games, chatbots and plugins present in their apps. And they will be able to incorporate the in-app purchase system of Apple to offer its users paid digital content or services, for example to a particular chatbot.

These changes, announced today by Appleare part of a series of reforms coming to open up theApp Storeas desired by the DMA, the Digital Markets Act desired by European Commission. Among other changes announced today, the opening of ad app store and alternative browser engines inEuropean Unionalbeit with rules to protect privacy and security.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.