Apple potrebbe essere interessata al settore delle criptovalute thumbnail

Apple may be interested in the cryptocurrency sector

Apple may be interested in the cryptocurrency industry thumbnail

Also Apple might be interested in the potential of the Bitcoin and, more generally, of the cryptovalute. A few weeks ago, Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, confirmed that he personally owns cryptocurrencies, as a form of investment. The manager also pointed out that Apple was not interested in investing in the world of cryptocurrencies. In the near future, however, things could change.

Is Apple interested in cryptocurrencies?

Today, Apple is a financial giant approaching the $ 3 trillion mark in capitalization. For the moment, the Cupertino house she doesn’t seem to be interested in cryptocurrencies but a future opening could come already in the near future. Tim Cook has already confirmed his personal interest (“it is reasonable to own cryptocurrencies as part of a diversified portfolio,” the manager stressed) reiterating that for now Apple has no plans for the world of cryptocurrencies.

Future scenarios

However, some analysts point out that Apple could create a Bitcoin wallet within Apple Wallet also introducing a simple and inexpensive way to buy Bitcoin directly from your iPhone. Apple’s ecosystem may already be ready for such a service.

2022 could be the right year for Apple to enter the crypto sector. More details on the matter could, therefore, arrive in the near future. The interest of the Cupertino company in the cryptocurrency sector could represent a very strong support for the entire sector. We will know more in the near future.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.