Apple premia gli utenti più attivi nel forum di supporto con Community + thumbnail

Apple rewards the most active users in the support forum with Community +

Apple rewards the most active users in the support forum with Community + thumbnail

Apple has chosen to reward members who make an impact within its support community by offering them a number of unique benefits. It comes like this Community +, the Apple program that guarantees a series of benefits to the most active users. These also include unpaid support engineers who are active in helping answer questions from online users about the company’s products and services. But let’s find out what it is in detail.

Community +, Apple rewards the most active users in supporting others

“In the Apple Support Community, we recognize when a member’s positive attitude, experience, and curiosity in exploring new solutions have a big impact on our community. That’s why we created the global Apple Community + program to honor and celebrate these members! Each year, we invite a small group of contributors from the highest levels of the community to join the program. It’s our way of thanking you and showing our appreciation ”. Thus the Cupertino company presented its Community + program, aimed at all the most active members in the support forums.

And while Apple hasn’t made it clear what these exclusive benefits really consist of, it’s certainly not the only company that has implemented such a strategy. Microsoft, for example, has built a similar program, offering vacations, free software and training materials to its “Most Popular Professionals”. Unlike this though, Apple’s Community + program would appear to be your invitation, which certainly does not guarantee the possibility of taking part in it. But who are really the users who will be able to access the program?

“We are looking for shining stars: high-level community members who embody the qualities that make our space warm and welcoming – comments Apple -. They are involved and active in the community. They share quality content and helpful responses to build their reputation. And, above all, they are models whose character motivates others and elevates our community “.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.