Prezzo speciale per Assassin’s Creed Unity: disponibile a soli 3 euro thumbnail

Assassin’s Creed Unity for only 3 euros on the Ubisoft store

Special price for Assassin's Creed Unity: available for only 3 euros thumbnail

Ubisoft offers fans an incredible price for Assassin’s Creed Unity: only three euros on the official store! The chapter is set in Revolutionary France, so well reconstructed that the video game models have been taken into consideration to help rebuild the Notre-Dame Cathedral.

Ubisoft offers Assassin’s Creed Unity at a symbolic price of 3 euros

It will not be the most popular chapter of the franchise, but the excellent one Assassin’s Creed Unity it’s definitely a great game. Then, thanks to the incredible promotion of Ubisoft, it is practically anti-revolutionary to let it slip away. On the developer’s website, in fact, the game is available for PC at the symbolic price of 3€, practically free.

Unity is set in France, in the middle of the French Revolution, and puts us in the shoes of Arno, discovering all the power games that hide behind the events that put an end to the French monarchy. A chapter to be played, extremely accurate in the settings, so much so that it is considered as a model for the reconstruction of the Notre-Dame cathedral.

The game, and its special price, are available here. Meanwhile, Valhalla fans can count the days that separate us from the release of the highly anticipated Dawn of Ragnarok DLC.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.