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CoD MWIII: guide to the new map, none other than Rio de Janeiro!

In the west we danced to dodge bullets, today we go samba: we welcome you to Rio in the guide to the new CoD MWIII map!

Now that the Season 1 Reloaded has arrived, the players of CoD MWIII they will have the opportunity to take sides to avoid crushing defeats precisely at Riothe new map multiplayer for medium-sized 6v6 battles for which one is needed guide… and not a tourist one. Sure, there are the bright colors of the luxury market, plus the shopping center of the charming Brazilian city, but don’t be fooled. Whether among the covered shop windows or in the middle of the alleys, in both cases as many advantages as pitfalls await you. The best Operators will compete in the two areas as best as possible, with a versatile Loadout or changing class based on the rhythms of the battle. The others… you will have to avoid being you, which is why you are reading these lines.

Prebriefing and shopping | Guide to Rio, new CoD MWIII map

We were talking about the shopping center Rio de Janeiro and the luxury market, but the new CoD MWIII map is not so simple to summarize: our guide will go into a little more detail. For example, the shopping center can turn out to be a real trap (for others, of course) as soon as you get your hands on weapons like the flamethrower. Conversely, a well-defended opponent in the center of the… er, center will be difficult to flush out. The granate they will be your best friends for the first attack, and then actually playing the charge. However, try to be ready for anything, perhaps with one gunner’s loadout and two primary weapons. One for perimeter battles and the other for mall skirmishes, if you’re wondering.

CoD MWIII: guide to the new map, none other than Rio de Janeiro!

Tactical Summary | Guide to Rio, new CoD MWIII map

In team modes, groups will be able to spawn at tram station (to the north) or to the bar (South). The shopping center, needless to say, is precisely in the center between the two spawn points, with adjoining narrow streets, which offers more opportunities for amiable blow-outs, be it tense clashes between snipers on the perimeter or frenetic brawls in the narrowest areas. The five sections they are therefore:

  • Main spawn point: Tram Station (multiple homes)
  • Main spawn point: the Café (plus square and alleys)
  • Additional area: shopping center
  • Additional area: garage (plus the market)
  • Additional area: main avenue

CoD MWIII: guide to the new map, none other than Rio de Janeiro!

Main spawn point: the Tram Station in the north | Guide to Rio, new CoD MWIII map

The Tram station lies on a flat, open space, where head-to-head battles will challenge you to keep moving while maintaining a firefight to compensate for the lack of cover. Use the buildings on your sides to break the lines of fire from the northern entrances to the mall, unless you’re specifically keeping an eye out for enemies. The souvenir shop it’s another point of interest, both in the cramped interior and the driveway outside. The residential area east of the station offers a more compact arena. Use heavy rifles against the enemies around the kiosk and play long range to avoid the fire from the covered sidewalk of the main avenue. The parked armored vehicle it will allow you to create an advantageous point to turn the tide of a clash.

CoD MWIII: guide to the new map, none other than Rio de Janeiro!

Main spawn point: the Café to the south | Guide to Rio, new CoD MWIII map

Il Caféin addition to supposedly being a great bar, is also a more secluded spawn point compared to the Tram Station, especially if you find a place there. For example, you can open fire on enemies from the open window, or escape from the back towards the main avenue. The water and the armored vehicle offer both excellent covers. The northern apron brings you closer to the action. The vehicles here won’t explode if exposed to fire, so they count as cover too. However, be on your guard against opponents who exit the shopping center: there is no shortage of points from which the latter communicates with the outside. The alleys to the west lead to the market and the garage; it’s up to you to decide whether to proceed head-on towards the square or whether to be more stealthy with the back street.

CoD MWIII: guide to the new map, none other than Rio de Janeiro!

Additional area: the shopping center | Guide to Rio, new CoD MWIII map

The primary point of interest is the shopping center, a focal point for brutal firefights. The entrances, as we have already said, are numerous and this facilitates the movement of the Operators, both to enter and to go out. Predictably the area gets crowded quickly; yes, the building is also large from the outside, but once inside you easily feel trapped. Shootings tend to focus on the raised center, next to the entrances below. Surviving in the centre, which is often a source of objectives, is not at all easy. Maintaining the elevated position is usually an advantage, but as it is a point that can be easily reached in multiple ways It’s better to play as a team.

CoD MWIII: guide to the new map, none other than Rio de Janeiro!

Additional area: the garage | Guide to Rio, new CoD MWIII map

If you want to avoid the dangers of the shopping center, the garage and market to the west of the map offer a great alternative. Between the two, the garage offers the majority of tactical positions. Climb onto the raised platform and duck behind the planter for an advantageous position along the way. The garage offers a low profile; Dumpster jump outside the sliding doors to attack enemies along the raised sidewalk market. The latter clutters a bit, giving you more coverage at the cost of fewer advantaged positions. Long-range Operators can use the food stall to scan the entire street, while medium- and short-range Loadouts play best on the front lines. The important thing is to always keep an eye on the western entrances of the shopping centre.

CoD MWIII: guide to the new map, none other than Rio de Janeiro!

Additional area: main avenue | Guide to Rio, new CoD MWIII map

Except for a covered sidewalk, the main avenue it remains mostly flat. On the sides you will find parked armored vehicles and other objects to climb on and observe the enemies from above. The most advantaged position is precisely the sidewalk, with which to enter and exit the shopping center. It should be the first place to look if there is danger in the area. If you use it yourself, be aware of your central position and observe both sides of the road so as not to get punctured from behind. And with this we have covered the whole arena; is there anything else to add? Maybe yes, since there is always time and space for…

CoD MWIII: guide to the new map, none other than Rio de Janeiro!

… tricks and tips!

Yes, imagine if the tricks and tips for the new map of the moment don’t always pop up: like other aspects of CoD MWIII, Rio also deserves a worthy conclusion in the guide dedicated to it. No more hesitation, and get ready for this… barrage of tips!

  • Long-range clashes outside, close encounters inside. Typically, long-distance Loadouts do best on the perimeter, while others thrive in the mall. Keep this in mind, both when thinking about your weapons and thinking about those of the enemy.
  • Legs on shoulders. Equip Stealth Boots when on the perimeter. Most battles take place on flat surfaces, where moving sideways is the best choice to dodge enemy shots.
  • Two mall aficionados are better than one. Hanging around the shops for long is tough, especially when defending an objective or trying to force a lockdown in the area. Bring a partner when you can to divide up the defense on the entry points.
  • Don’t get caught in 4K. The upgrade to the tactical field camera offers a valuable way to observe the roads near your position, whether it’s enemies walking down one, the one behind you, or simply having an extra pair of eyes.
  • “Born for the ceiling”. (No, not sautéed.) The roof of the mall is a sheet of glass, from which to place airstrikes on the unfortunates inside. You already know what to do, especially if you want to take root in the points linked to a particular objective.
  • “I’ll just watch and maybe come back later…”, which in addition to being a lifesaver when shopping is a mantra with which to avoid immediately going to the center of the (again, ahem) shopping center. Great for minimizing clashes!
  • Activate Tac-Stance. If you need to enter the shopping center but don’t have short-range weapons, activate the Tac-Stance to move faster and aim even better.
  • Substitute. Like the Pokémon move of the same name, an inflatable puppet is a huge help to confuse your enemy in the confined space of the shopping mall. All you need is the right upgrade to enjoy the sight of enemy players wasting ammo. Hilarious!
  • “Huh! You wanted!” Equip a signal jammer to tamper with all explosives triggered by proximity to their target. With all the trouble that the shopping center will cause you, this little trick will save you from having to check every nook and cranny of the place for bombs.
  • Minimum expense, maximum return. If you can’t wrest control of the shopping center from the enemy, play “the fox and the grapes” and let them keep it. Work with the team on the perimeter to cover the entrances. Sooner or later they will get fed up, and the moment you have tracked them down the clay pigeon shooting competition will start!
  • Now it’s up to you to tell us your opinion: have we helped you? Let us know below, and as always don’t forget to stay on for all the most important news for gamers and beyond. For your purely gaming needs, you can instead find the best discounts in digital format on Instant Gaming.