Il commento di Darktrace sul furto di criptovalute subito da Ronin Network thumbnail

Darktrace’s comment on the cryptocurrency theft suffered by Ronin Network

Darktrace commented on the recent cryptocurrency theft, for over $ 600 million, suffered by Ronin Network. The platform, linked to the popular NFT-based video game Axie Infinity, has confirmed that it suffered a hacker attack that led to the stealing of cryptocurrencies. According to what has been revealed in these days, Ronin Network has suffered a hacker attack that has caused the theft of over 600 million dollars in cryptocurrencies.

Darktrace’s point of view on the theft of cryptocurrencies suffered by the Ronin Network platform

The theft of cryptocurrencies was made official by Ronin Network last week. A statement from Darktrace takes stock of the situation. The issue has been analyzed da Toby Lewis, Global Head of Threat Analysis di Darktrace. Here is an excerpt of his words:

Darktrace’s comment:

According to a spokesperson for Darktrace: “A theft of this magnitude would suggest a compromise not of individual users of the Ronin platform, but potentially of a user with privileges within Ronin itself, with access to fund administration across multiple accounts. From this point of view, zero-trust cybersecurity has become a growing concern within organizations, particularly for those where actions are assumed to take place in complete anonymity. “

As for the possibility of recovering the cryptocurrencies stolen with the hacker attack, Darktrace highlights the difficulty of the situation. According to the company, in fact, it must be considered that: “the anonymous nature of cryptocurrencies and NFTs introduces a further challenge in recovering lost funds. In fact, tokens and cryptocurrencies are continuously moved between portfolios so that attribution and ownership become increasingly difficult to trace. “

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.