La recensione di Distant Worlds 2: padroneggiare la galassia thumbnail

Distant Worlds 2 review: mastering the galaxy with the wisdom of strategy

Far away worlds, galaxies and universes are now at your fingertips and with them all the riches they possess but beware, you are not alone! Distant Worlds represented in 2010 a milestone in the scenario of strategic video games and now, we are ready to relive that splendor in Distant Worlds 2. The direct sequel to the first chapter now boasts a new 64-bit engine and 3D graphics and in perfect style The Slitherine Groupof all the intriguing facets of strategic video games. Get your best spacecraft ready and let’s find out all about Distant Worlds 2 in this review.

Our Distant Worlds 2 review

Distant Worlds 2 is a real-time strategy video game that has all the features of 4X video games that stand for “eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate“(Explore, expand, exploit, exterminate). And we will be able to do all this and more by having an entire galaxy at our disposal within interstellar travel range. Like its predecessor, Distant Worlds 2 is indeed set in space and offers approx 2000 different star systems to face a new universe at every game.

At the beginning of each run we will be able to manage all the features of the new galaxy that we are going to explore. Everything can be customized, from the shape to the quantity of stars present, from the average level of initial technology to the aggressiveness of the fearsome space pirates. And more threats (others!), The potential of the colonies and much more.

Already from the first game screens we realize that the size of the galaxy in which we are about to immerse ourselves is directly proportional to the amount of elements to be managed in the game. Let’s find out!

Distant Worlds 2

Distant Worlds 2


41,99 €

A galaxy full of life

distant worlds 2 recensione2

No, we are not alone in the universe and Distant Worlds 2 knows this well, making us available 7 selectable spokes at the beginning of the game. Not only Human but also Teekana productive nomadic alien race with the features of mice, i Mortalen, half mammals and half reptiles, the disturbing insect race, as well as the most aggressive in the galaxy. Each breed has some very specific characteristics ranging from personality, to the ability to colonize other planets, bonuses and malus of various kinds, relationships with other races and so on.

The humans, for example, they are one of the more malleable and best manageable races with important bonuses to research, diplomacy towards other races and population proliferation. On the other hand, the possibilities of colonizing other planets are limited to atmospheres similar to those of our Earth and nothing else. Their racial reputation attracted to power does not make them well regarded towards the other inhabitants of the galaxy but their diplomacy can convince them otherwise, if it is in your interest.

I Boskara instead they are a very violent race able to live only in volcanic planets. Their passion for war makes them the perfect warrior race with great military prowess at the expense of little diplomatic credibility. Also for this reason, they are frowned upon, already from the start, by all other races, making a future of peace complex if not impossible.

Each breed also features forms of government favorite among the 6 available and each of them provides a large amount of characteristics to adapt to the chosen breed. As we had anticipated, ruling the Galaxy is not at all simple.

A world (and more) of opportunities

The initial conditions of each game vary according to the characteristics of the galaxy that you have set. The “base” ones will get you started with just one planet and an initial level of technology. At this stage your civilization has just discovered space travel and you will have a handful of aircraft at your disposal to explore the asteroids and any satellites near you. In short you will be able to perform a galactic jump (Jump) to reach long distances in a few seconds and then reach other constellations.

The game map is truly impressive in terms of size and variety. We will be able to find out in fact hundreds of different types of planets and analyze yourself to acquire new resources and knowledge from the past. In-game events, in fact, are not lacking and there will be many opportunities to make complex choices that will decide the development of our society or relations with the neighborhood. Each race also has its own story (lore) that develops throughout the game. Humans, for example, have always been accompanied by legendary stories that see them as the children of ancestors who have already crossed the celestial vault in the past, will it be true?

These elements certainly do not represent the bulk of the gameplay of Distant Worlds 2 but they amplify the variety to levels that we did not think possible.

4X are few for Distant Worlds 2

distant worlds 2 review

IThe bulk of the gameplay concerns, like any self-respecting 4X, the management of colonies and relations with other races. From here opens up such a quantity of elements, impossible to enclose in a simple written review, but we will try. The elements to manage in our intergalactic realm are:

  • Diplomacy: relations with other races that involve alliances, wars and trade agreements but also influence and migratory flows
  • Personages: scientists, generals, ambassadors, spies and other figures who have distinguished themselves in society and ready to bring countless benefits to the population. These figures cannot be created by the player but will be children of the choices we will make
  • Colony: the planets under our control. Each colony has a delicate balance to defend to ensure the happiness of the people and limit the risk of riots.
  • Exploration: the search for resources, other planets and races out there. With the basic settings, the systems to explore, in addition to the one in which we find amount to 706. Exploring the whole galaxy will be a real undertaking!
  • Resources: the galaxy contains about 80 types of resources to be conquered or traded to meet the needs of our people but above all to increase the most important resource of all, money
  • Ship building: dozens and dozens of ships await us in the game, merchant, mining, exploration and of course, military
  • Research: the basis for the development of technologies, spaceships and policies to be adopted to obtain supremacy, whether military or diplomatic, over other races. This translates into a large skill-tree that researchers can work on
  • Military force: Peace may not be the priority of other alien races and our colonies must be able to defend themselves. That’s why we’ll have an extensive warship roaster for noteworthy real-time space battles. The planets can be plundered by enemies and space pirates and if the air force is not enough, our military troops on the ground will be the last defense
  • Civil Forces: not only war but also trade, tourism and migration can represent important elements for victory. The world is constantly expanding and so are those who live there

The limit (?) Graph

The Slitherine Group has always placed more content than style at the center of its videogame philosophy. Non it is rare to read on the internet that the games produced by this important software house are somewhat complicated to play and need many hours of play before mastering each element. Distant Worlds 2 is no exception.

As we have seen, we are faced with a huge title that presents a large amount of elements to keep in mind and you prefer to focus on that rather than on appearances. This results in a graphic style far behind what we have been used to in modern times. Although the technical leap with respect to the first chapter is relevant, we are faced with approximate 3D models and very few graphic elements compared to textual ones. Unfortunately, even in this case, there is no official translation in Italianwhich makes the already challenging game even more complex.

At the same time, however, they have been made huge advances in UI which allows a clear and complete view of each element of the game. The same can be said for the tutorial which, although it is reduced to about ten descriptive cards, manage to provide the basis for a good management of each theme.

The Distant Worlds 2 review at a glance

Distant Worlds 2 is the holy grail of strategic video game enthusiasts set in space. The There are many elements to take into consideration for the success of a game, frightening for some gamers, galvanizing for others. Before making your purchase, consider which side to take.

In the meantime, however, know that Distant Worlds 2 has a lot to offer, much more than what a simple written review can tell you. You just have to calculate the next interplanetary jump and find out!


  • A huge game
  • Elements of “plot” for each race
  • Each game is always different
  • Lots of elements to take into consideration …


  • … Which can scare many players
  • Graphics still too retro
  • The Italian translation is missing
Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.