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Elon Musk responds to Instagram Threads launch

Today Meta officially presented Threadsan app conceived as direct competitor of Twitterintensifying the rivalry between the billionaires Mark Zuckerberg ed Elon Musk. Threads allows people to share texts and links, as well as reply to or repost each other’s messages. And Musk tweeted a couple of replies that hint at what he thinks of the new app.

Elon Musk responds to Threads launch

Threads wants to become the biggest challenger to Twitter, the social network owned by Elon Musk. Which since the billionaire runs it, has seen the emergence of several potential competitors. ma Zuckerberg thinks he can do better than Twittertaking advantage of Instagram’s huge user base.

In his first reaction to the launch of Zuckerberg’s new offer, Musk seemed to suggest that Threads is a Twitter reply. He replied to a tweet that claimed the threads were copy-and-pasted tweets with a laughing face.

In a subsequent tweet, Musk said: “It is much better to be attacked by strangers on Twitter than to immerse yourself in the fake Instagram happiness that hides the pain”.

Threads boom

The recently released application from Meta represents the latest chapter of the rivalry between Musk and Zuckerbergtwo billionaires who have even proposed to meet in a cage fight to settle their differences.

Today, after the launch of Threads, Zuckerberg posted on Twitter a photo of two identical Spider-Men facing each other, his first tweet in over ten years. Partly admitting that she is copying Twitter features. Like Instagram in the past it “took inspiration” from Snapchat Stories and TikTok for Reels – winning choices thanks to Meta’s large user base. Will it work this time too? Let us know in the comments.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.