Facebook mette in pausa la conferenza F8 per il 2022 thumbnail

Facebook pauses the F8 conference for 2022

Facebook pauses the F8 conference for 2022 thumbnail

Facebook will not hold the annual F8 conference for 2022. With the passage to Metathe focus becomes another: “building the metaverso“. So this year the developer event takes a break. And it proposes a new event called Conversations.

Facebook puts on the F8 conference for 2022

In past years, Facebook had announced the news of its platform to developers and fans of the technology from the stage of the F8. But after the name change to Meta, the company has other priorities.

He explains it Diego Duarte Moreira in a post on the company’s blog. “As has happened in the past, we take a break in programming and we will not hold an F8 in 2022 as we prepare for new initiatives that are tailor-made for the next chapter of the internet, and the next chapter of our company too: the metaverso“.

meta facebook

Instead Moreira explains that “As in the early stages of the web, cosrealizing the metaverse will be a collaborative effort across the board: with other companies, creators and developers “. So instead of F8 there will be an event called Conversations for the May 19. Which will arrive shortly after the Google I / O on May 11 and 12 but before Apple’s WWDC which kicks off on June 6.

Also, another event is expected to arrive in October Connect in which to focus attention on “VR, AR and platforms for the metaverse “.

We will see what news Meta will present this year, with the possibility of seeing new hardware announcements. We will keep you posted.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.