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Final Fantasy 16: How many Eikons are there in the game?

Summon Them All: The Eikons offer a fresh look at the various Shivas, Ramuhs, Ifrits and company, but how many are there in Final Fantasy 16?

The series has built its identity on the way of reinterpreting its dogmas in each chapter: the summons, invocations (or evocations) in Italian, in Final Fantasy 16 they are called Eikonand as the article is being written, the time that separates us from day one is too much to know right away how many will there be (in full). What should we expect, then? The realms of Valisthea have thrived on the local incarnation of the classic crystals, whose blessing grants the Rulers the power to summon these demigods to themselves by transforming into them. Their power is important for each nation, inevitably affecting the political climate of the game world. But who is there, in the end? We learned two things in the preview phase, but for now let’s make the roll call.

Phoenix | How many Eikons are in Final Fantasy 16?

The first of the fire Eikon (yes, one wonders how many subtypes exist) in Final Fantasy 16 is the Phoenix. The dominant of him, Joshua Rosfield, is the younger brother of the protagonist Clive. We don’t know to what extent, but the Phoenix is ​​just as important as Companion Ifrit, as both fiery invocations peep into the game’s logo. The creature, present in the saga from the fifth chapter, maintains its healing qualities, while allowing Clive to attack at a safe distance, without however denying himself close attacks such as the Ascending Flames, similar to an uppercut.

Final Fantasy 16: How many Eikons are there in the game?

Ifrit | How many Eikons are in Final Fantasy 16?

The invocations have always taken the name from several creatures taken by weight from as many religions and/or mythologies, and directly from Islam we have the fire demon Ifrit. The beast, in the story, is the Eikon most associated with Clive, granting defensive (like a belt of fireballs) and offensive magical attacks. The latter vary from simple fireballs to more aggressive options, such as a dive with which to slingshot on enemies. Most likely, the strategies that emerge will prove essential in the first few hours of the game, before the “serious stuff” arrives. About that…

Final Fantasy 16: How many Eikons are there in the game?

Siva | How many Eikons are in Final Fantasy 16?

Taking its name from the Hindu deity of the same name, the comely Shiva has always been associated with the element of ice. The Diamandust attack remains the same little parsley, and it is Jill Warrick who dominates it. The girl grew up together with Clive and Joshua. We tell you about it because it was the producer Naoki Yoshida who did it first during the State of Play dedicated to the title, explaining that the game will deal with three periods from Clive’s life. Jill remains a fundamental constant, like the skills with which Shiva allows you to dodge, exploit the powers of Storm / Blizzard, lure enemies into the air and much more.

Final Fantasy 16: How many Eikons are there in the game?

garuda | How many Eikons are in Final Fantasy 16?

The ruler of the skies Garuda is at the center of the conflicts of Final Fantasy XVI. With Benedikta Harman in the role of her Dominant, the creature will find itself in the way of Clive’s chimney several times. And in the gameplay seen so far, we will face Garuda with the powers of Ifrit. As a winged creature, this Eikon allows you to fight with the element of air (Aero), plus other skills such as Cruel Acrobatics (attack with area of ​​effect that lifts enemies off the ground), Death Grasp (to draw opponents to Clive) and Arrotto della Terra (a counterattack). Hit and run… feathered: this is Garuda.

Final Fantasy 16: How many Eikons are there in the game?

Ramuh | How many Eikons are in Final Fantasy 16?

Lightning and thunderbolts: two words to best describe Ramuh. The grandfather with lightning powers (not to be confused with Odin, who is a separate entity in Final Fantasy) fights here alongside Cidolfus Telamon, or the counterpart of the recurring Cid that fans now know well. As an outlaw, Cid intends to side with those who enjoy the power of the Eikon. Among his skills, in addition to the usual Thunder / Tuono we also have variants to hit enemies while remaining at a safe distance with electrified spheres and lightning. Now, were we talking about a Norse deity or…?

Final Fantasy 16: How many Eikons are there in the game?

Odin | How many Eikons are in Final Fantasy 16?

Fierce, armored and mounted, Odin is another recurring element of the saga that peeps out here as well. Hand in glove with Barnabas Tharmr, it has become his main weapon of conquest, becoming the scourge of the tamers in his territory. Naturally, Barnabas shares Odin’s equal love of riding and battle. Citationist abilities return in their names (Heaven’s Cloud recalls one of the best swords of the protagonist of Final Fantasy VII), as well as the most… lightning-fast reinterpretation of Odin’s peculiar move. Let’s talk about the delayed blow slash par excellence, Zanzetsuken.

Final Fantasy 16: How many Eikons are there in the game?

Titan | How many Eikons are in Final Fantasy 16?

Linked to mother earth is the Eikon closest to this element, Titanium, accompanied by Hugo Kupka, who worked his way up from simple soldier to economic consultant of the republic of origin. Predictably, the resulting fighting style is “mighty glacier”: very slow, equally strong on defense, and with a tendency to hit like a truck. This must be why the Titan Parade allows you to take a hit without taking damage. Not that there is no lack of options for inflicting it: the pan for focaccia you return will turn out to be stale, hard as (needless to do it on purpose) a rock.

Final Fantasy 16: How many Eikons are there in the game?

Bahamut | How many Eikons are in Final Fantasy 16?

You never say no to a lizard with such an iconic breath, e Bahamut is here to make the title roster more complete than it would be otherwise. As popular as ever, the dragon accompanies Dion Lesage and allows Clive attacks of the highest order. Whether called Flare, Fusion (Super Smash Bros. Ultimate) or Vampalia (Kingdom Hearts III), the most powerful fire magic ever can enter Clive’s arsenal along with other very useful abilities. In addition to distancing the player from enemies, in fact, it is also possible to create research spheres with which to defend yourself.

Final Fantasy 16: How many Eikons are there in the game?

The other titan | How many Eikons are in Final Fantasy 16?

Do you have the impression of having deja vu? Don’t worry, we too. Actually, the Titan Lost (or Lost Titan, if you prefer) promises to be a huge source of trouble. And worst of all, save for a State of Play appearance in which Ifrit takes on a colossal beast, is that we know practically as much as you do. We don’t know what his Dominant is, if it’s a special Eikon, or… whatever. Certainly this article will age like milk as soon as we get to day one, but for now you will have to make do with the cosmic nothing. And it’s not the only creature in question to be described as [OMISSIS]…

Final Fantasy 16: How many Eikons are there in the game?


The initial question was very clear: how many Eikon are there in Final Fantasy 16, then? Well, with Tifone we are at altitude ten. The most recent appearance of this being dates back to Chocobo GP, as an improvised vehicle for that stinking Ultros. Both appeared for the first time in the sixth chapter and saw each other again in the following ones, until the unexpected return in the sixteenth one complete with a humanoid torso. Unfortunately, other than seeing him as a punching bag for the usual Ifrit in the equally “usual” State of Play, we have nothing else to report. Apart from, of course, giving you an appointment for day one, set for next Thursday, on June 22nd!

Final Fantasy 16: How many Eikons are there in the game?

Now it’s up to you to tell us yours: how much are you waiting for the new chapter of the saga? Let us know below, and as always, don’t forget to stay on techgameworld.com for all the most important news for gamers and more. For your purely gaming needs, you can instead find the best discounts in digital format on Kinguin.