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Final Fantasy 16: How to use Torgal

In this guide we will explain how to effectively use Torgal, Clive’s iconic canine companion in Final Fantasy 16 in battle

If you have started playing the new Final Fantasy of Square Enixthen for sure you have already fallen in love with Torgal, Clive’s cute canine companion. This puppy will initially be helpless, but as the story progresses you will have the opportunity to fight alongside him during many battles. If you want to know how to get the most out of the four-legged icon of Final Fantasy 16, in this guide we will explain how to use Torgal in combat in the best way.

Final Fantasy 16: How to use Torgal

Basic Controls | Final Fantasy 16: How to use Torgal

As you can easily guess in Final Fantasy 16 there is no way to use Torgal directly, but at least you can issue specific commands to it to use in battle. By pressing the D-Pad left arrow in fact, you can switch from quick selection of healing items to commands for your canine companion.

Torgal is able to perform three moves and each of them is linked to a specific button on the D-Pad. These skills are very different from each other and using them in battle at the right time you will be able to make even the most difficult battles less tiring. in the next paragraphs we’re going to talk specifically about each of Torgal’s three movesin order to make you fully understand all their usefulness.

Final Fantasy 16: How to use Torgal

bite | Final Fantasy 16: How to use Torgal

Bite is one very fast move which will allow Torgal to attack a single target using his fangs. Usually your partner will automatically attack the enemy you are targeting but alternatively it is also able to automatically select a target.

This attack is really very fast and is perfect for deal additional damage against stunned enemies. Also bite also has two more powerful variants which can be activated immediately after a precise dodge, after a finisher or when aiming at a prone enemy.

Final Fantasy 16: How to use Torgal

Care | Final Fantasy 16: How to use Torgal

Surely you have noticed that taking damage in combat will cause a part of your life bar to turn gray. Apparently this phenomenon does not seem to have any particular effect, but in reality it ties directly to Torgal’s second ability.

By pressing the right arrow of the D-Pad you can in fact order your partner to howlthus generating an AOE that will allow all allies within range of rigenerate life points over time. HP recovery will always be available to your teammates but Clive, on the other hand, will only be able to heal that part of life that is marked in gray on the bar.

Final Fantasy 16: How to use Torgal

Assault | Final Fantasy 16: How to use Torgal

Finally, let’s move on to Togal’s last ability: assault. Assault is an attack which, in a very similar way to a bite, mainly serves to inflict damage, but has the particularity of being able to hit multiple enemies at once. Plus weaker enemies affected by this move they will be stunned for a few moments, thus allowing you to punish them and deal devastating damage to them.

Assault deals less damage than bite but is perfect for speeding up encounters with many enemies and for a breather in the middle of battle. Also, just like bite, this move can also become more powerful if performed immediately after a precise dodge or at the end of a combo.

Final Fantasy 16: How to use Torgal

Man’s best friend

This concludes our guide on how to use Torgal in Final Fantasy 16. Now there is nothing left to do but jump into the fray and immediately bring out the best in your four-legged companion. Our article ends here but, if you are interested in learning more about the gamewe suggest you take a look at the many others guide featured here on our website:

Final Fantasy 16 is available now as a timed exclusive for PS5. If you are interested in staying up to date on all the news on the world of video games and much more, then continue to follow us here on techgameworld.com. Furthermore, in case you want to buy some games at an advantageous price, we suggest you take a look at the many offers on Kinguin.