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Final Fantasy 16: what to know before you start playing

Here are our tips on what to know before you start playing the upcoming Final Fantasy 16. Let’s find out the details in this article

After returning to show himself with the “Salvation” trailer, during the last one State Of Playthe awaited sixteenth chapter of the popular JRPG series quintessential Square Enix is ​​now in the pipeline. After having extensively told you our first impressions about the demo, today we return once again to tell you about Final Fantasy 16 and, specifically, what to know before starting to play the highly anticipated new chapter of one of the most famous and loved videogame sagas of the world.

Final Fantasy 16: what to know before you start playing

Where do we start? | Final Fantasy 16: what to know before you start playing

One of the main (but not obvious) questions that a user could ask himself is: can I start from this last chapter if I have never played the previous ones? Sure, that XVI that stands out on the game’s logo and cover could intimidate especially those who decide to approach the series for the first time, but, as veterans well know, beyond some occasional (and often negligible) elements and references to the past, almost every new main chapter of this saga tells a story of its own. Even in the case of Final Fantasy 16 is no exception, and consequently, anyone will be able to enjoy this new titleeven without worrying about having to know something in particular about the plot of the previous chapters.

Final Fantasy 16: what to know before you start playing

A world in decline | Final Fantasy 16: what to know before you start playing

Having ascertained that it will not be essential to know details in particular about the previous titles in the series, in our guide on what could be useful to know to approach the imminent Final Fantasy 16, we will focus on the elements of this new chapter. The story takes place in the lands of Enlightenmenta world in decline, in which the ether of the Mother Crystals, which makes possible the magic that underlies the life of all the inhabitants, is gradually disappearing. This is accompanied by the spread of the so-called Plaguewhich is turning increasingly large swathes of the world into dead lands as major powers begin to war with each other for the remaining aether.

In this context we will follow the events of Clive Rosfieldeldest son of the Archduke of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, who was originally thought to have the fate of becoming the Dominant of the Phoenix (the chosen ones in which the Eikon reside, beings endowed with enormous power), a role that instead passed to his younger brother Joshua. After surviving a violent attack by Ifrit, a mysterious Eikon, Clive will decide to embark on his own journey to exact revenge, in the course of which he will meet numerous allies, but also dangerous new enemies.

Final Fantasy 16: what to know before you start playing

Pure action | Final Fantasy 16: what to know before you start playing

After the plot, one of the key elements of the saga has always been the fights. From this point of view Final Fantasy 16 continues in the direction of the fights in real time also undertaken by the previous chapters, something widely predictable but which it is good to know and keep in mind if you want to proceed with the purchase. There will therefore not be a return to the classic turn-based battles, a trademark of the series from the very beginning, but the fights of this new chapter promise an enormous amount of memorable action. In fact, we will be able to exploit Clive’s strength and agility to face hordes of opponents in battles with a strong action connotation.

However, if you are not comfortable with the action game mechanics, the developers let it be known that they have thought about it some solutions to meet everyone’s needs the types of players. In fact, right from the start of the game, it will be possible to activate some in-game accessories, which will simplify some mechanics, allowing you, for example, to automatically dodge most of the attacks, automatically drink a potion when your health is low or facilitate the performing combos.

Final Fantasy 16: what to know before you start playing

A Clash of the Titans | Final Fantasy 16: what to know before you start playing

Another thing that is important to know about the fighting in Final Fantasy 16 is that although the player will mainly be in control of Clive, he will not be the only one fighting on the battlefield. In fact, continuing with the story, new allies will join the party, fighting autonomously alongside our protagonist. Among these you will also be TorgalClive’s faithful dog, who can be recalled in battle if necessary.

As if that weren’t enough, our character will also acquire the ability to summon the power of the Eikon, both in the form of offensive abilities of various kinds, and directly fighting as the powerful creatures. There will in fact be some moments in which we will be called upon to directly take control of an Eikonin what visually promises to be epic and spectacular clashes between gigantic beasts endowed with devastating powers.

Final Fantasy 16: what to know before you start playing

The journey is about to begin | Final Fantasy 16: what to know before you start playing

This concludes our article on what to know before playing Final Fantasy 16. As you have seen, the latest effort by Square Enix is shaping up to be a truly promising epic and potentially full of memorable moments. We just have to wait for the now imminent official release of the title, set for on June 22 exclusively for PlayStation 5in order to finally dive into this journey to discover the lands of Valisthea.

And what do you think? Are you eager to dive into this new title and find out what it has to offer? Let us know in the comments and stay tuned to techgameworld.com for all the news dedicated to the world of video games. To buy video games at a discounted price, we advise you to take a look at the Kinguin catalogue.