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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: the number of chapters in the game

From considerations on longevity to the number of chapters in the strict sense, here is what you need to know about the duration of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Since VII Remake has already taught us how busy an episode of the series set exclusively within the walls of the first city can keep us, who knows what the number of chapters now that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Gets us out of Midgar, right? The game’s narrative uses a division of this type for better management of the plot. Whether the title actually succeeds or not, we will find out from Marta in due time. If nothing else, the breakdown of the story helps a lot to understand what point we have reached in the adventure. For this reason, the guide could give you a hand.

We will answer you immediately | Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: the number of chapters

Yes, we might as well not beat around the bush for once: the number of chapters that separate you from the end credits of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is set at quota 14. Many of the fourteenths into which Cloud and company’s latest excursion is divided feature large open world-style areas, giving players plenty of opportunities to deviate from the designated path. That said, Chapter 13 is the point of no return, so you better think twice before proceeding further. Naturally, once everything is finished you will have the possibility to choose where to start again with it chapter selection screen, returning to those already completed to replay them as you see fit. The first, “Sephiroth, the great hero”, is the same one seen in the game demo: if you have already completed it in your time, therefore, you can skip it if you deem it appropriate.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: the number of chapters in the game

A list that will make you capitulate | Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: the number of chapters

So that you don’t live by numbers alone, you will certainly want it too list. No sooner said than done: if you want to know what to expect, at least narratively speaking (and if you’re on the hunt for spoiler, but that’s your business!), the list is this. A little side note: this list is provisional. Given the amount of hours we still have ahead of us, half of the chapters are still in English. However, we provide our own translation, which can differ from the official localization.

  • Sephiroth, the great hero
  • New horizons
  • Black path
  • Aiming for the future
  • Fear on the water
  • Dive into the sun
  • A difficult return
  • All that glitters (All that glitters)
  • I peccati del pianeta (The planet sins)
  • The guardian of the valley (Watcher of the vale)
  • The Long Shadow of Shinra
  • A golden key (A golden key)
  • Where angels fear to tread
  • La fine del mondo (End of the World)
  • Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: the number of chapters in the game

    Comparative Advertising | Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: the number of chapters

    At this point, let’s go back to the count of Final Fantasy VII Remake: specifically, how many chapters are we actually talking about? The predecessor boasts 18 sections to traversemore two additional (for a grand total of 20) for those who have played ad Intergrade. However, it is the extra contents that make the newly released chapter the longer-lasting experience of the two, with a good sixty hours to pour into the title. What Square-Enix has made available to players is a veritable cornucopia far beyond traditional secondary quests. Not to mention, of course, that sometimes there can be a chapter that lasts longer than those of the predecessor.

    Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: the number of chapters in the game

    Do you need to know anything else?

    Now that we have clarified the number of chapters in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, another list might be useful to you: that of third to best face the adventure. It is no coincidence that we have also drawn up our usual basic guide to tricks and advice for novice players for Square’s newest addition. We also refer you to our contact details State of Play regarding the game, while if you have only played the demo and want clarification about the performance of one of the most anticipated titles of the year we dedicated an article to that too.

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