First Playable 2023: record di partecipazione per l'evento di riferimento per i videogiochi in Italia thumbnail

First Playable: a hit in 2023 and a new edition in 2024

First Playable 2023 it was the fifth edition of the business event for the video game sector in Italy. Organized by IIDEA and Toscana Film Commission – Fondazione Sistema Toscanasaw the collaboration with theICE agency. He has achieved an extraordinary milestone this year, scoring a unprecedented participation record.

Unprecedented record for the fifth edition of First Playable 2023

The initiative took place on 6 and 7 July at the Nana Bianca innovation hub in Florence. It has attracted an unprecedented number of Italian game developers, investors and publishers from all over the world. They took part in the event more than 500 professionals from 180 Italian development studios e 45 publisher and investors from 12 Villages in the world. Among them: United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Sweden, Spain, Netherlands, France, Poland, Mexico, Japan, Germany and Italy.

This international participation has offered important opportunities for networking and collaboration, creating a stimulating environment for the growth and development of the Italian video game industry. During the two days event were held oltre 1.100 business meetings 1:1. Offering Italian developers the opportunity to discuss potential collaborations with international operators present in Florence.

These intense meeting sessions have fostered the exchange of ideas and the creation of new connections and partnerships that will further promote the growth and innovation of the gaming industry in Italy in the near future.

I partner del First Playable 2023

The 2023 edition was able to count on the support of various partners who, also through exclusive content, brought prestige and value to the event. Between these, Google e Unreal Engine, Diamond Partner of the initiative. Among the Silver Partners we find Acer, AWS for Games, the law firm LCA, Maga Animation Studio e TikTok. Among the Partners there are Broken Arms Games, Memorable Games, 34BigThings, Climax Studios e Women in Games Italia. The Sustainability Partner was Treebua Benefit Company and innovative start-up that supported First Playable to give life to the creation of a real forest to partially offset the emissions of this edition of the event.

First Playable Fund

The presence of the MiC for the first time

This year, for the first time, the MiC – Ministry of Culturewhich opened the works of First Playable 2023 with a workshop organized by General Directorate of Cinema and Audiovisual focused on tax credit and on how much this measure has made it more interesting and convenient to invest in national videogame productions for foreign operators.

Italian Video Games Awards 2023

Finally, great emotion for the award ceremony of the Italian Video Games Awards 2023presented by the Irish journalist, critic and streamer Aoife Wilson and staged on July 6th live from the Nana Bianca auditorium. During the evening, the 5 winners of the prestigious awards were announced and awarded, and the Italian talent in the video game industry was celebrated. The evening ended with the immersive Italian Video Game Awards Party.

First Playable continues to consolidate its role as a leading business event for the videogame industry in Italy, offering a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, build partnerships and recognize Italian talent in the local and international videogame scene.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.