Momenti FUT, la nuova modalità di FIFA Ultimate Team thumbnail

FUT Moments, the new FIFA Ultimate Team mode

Only he was missing, FIFA Ultimate Team. After all it was inevitable: Electronic Arts has put his hand to all the modalities of FIFA 23 per to offer users a renewed and complete gaming experience, designed to make this chapter – the last – memorable. So what changes for one of the most popular online modes ever? Well, mainly two things: the introduction of FUT moments and a new chemistry system.

FUT Moments: What Are They?

FUT moments it’s a new single-player experience and basically they are challenges, single scenarios that will allow you to earn from one to three stars. In essence, the game will catapult you into a precise moment of the match, which can be a free kick, a throw-in or an attack or defense phase, and will ask you to perform a task.

FUT moments predict at least one reward level and as the levels change, things like team requirements, time to complete or difficulty can change.
You can play them over and over again but know that the Stelle FUT they can only be earned once per reward level.

FIFA 23 FUT moments

This new modality was born with the declared goal of give players a game that lasts less than the others, something to do while you wait for your friends or just before leaving the house. This novelty also offers a wide variety of challenges which will be updated throughout the year, challenges that suit all skill levels of FIFA Ultimate Team players.

Each moment will begin by selecting one History. And each Story will be based on seasonal themes, FUT campaigns or real events from the past and present. Some Stories will be limited in teampo and will have to be completed before expiring, while others will always be available.
Each of them will consist of Chapters, thematic playgroups containing FUT moments. But know that not all chapters will be immediately available, in most cases you will have to earn a specific amount of FUT Stars to unlock the following ones.
The Place FUT they can also be used in the Gallery of the Stars to access a variety of rewards, including players.

With FIFA 23 the system of understanding changes

Understanding is the bond that is created between the players of your FUT team. The stronger this bond, the greater the understanding on the pitch between the players.
In FIFA 22 these ties are indicated by the color of the lines connecting the players to each other. The goal is to have a green line, an objective that can be achieved with players from the same league, the same nation or the same club, players who, however, must occupy adjacent positions.

Electronic Arts, however, wanted to revolutionize this system to increase the variety of teams, creating more intuitive mechanics and eliminating critical points.

FUT 23 understanding system

So what’s new?
First of all the negative impacts on Attributes caused by a low Entente have been eliminated. Basically if there is no link, players play as per their base stats, no worse.
There is no longer the general understanding of the team and there are no more positional ties, so the Entente is created even if two players are not close together on the field.
In the end the loyalty system has been removed.

Each player can earn up to 3 Understanding Pointswith three main factors determining the individual Intesa score:

1) your favorite position: a holder contributes to the Entente and can only increase his score if he plays in his preferred position;
2) thresholds of agreement: as players who correspond to the club, nation / region or league of other players of the starting eleven are added, Intesa thresholds are reached which activate the addition of Understanding points to associated players;
3) Manager bonus: the coach also contributes to the increase of Understanding for the players with whom he shares the league or the Nation.

FUT 23 favorite position understanding system

A little note on the preferred position. Base players, such as Bronze, Silver, and Gold, now have one preferred position and up to three alternative positions; using a Position modifieryou can change your preferred position and then deploy it in one of the alternative positions.

To simplify team building after the Entente changes, EA decided to introduce a new Agreement Panelwhich allows you to preview the impact of adding, removing or trading a player on your overall Chemistry.
By default, the panel will display the next Understanding Threshold for each parameter but it is possible to activate a fully expanded view with all the thresholds.

And what about the FUT heroes? Beh, they will always have the complete Understanding when they play in their Preferred Position, regardless of the rest of the team, and will count two increases for the League’s Understanding Threshold and one increase for the Nation / Region’s Understanding Threshold.

Il cross-play

As anticipated a few days ago, in FIFA 23 we will have cross-play that yes, it also applies to FUT 23.
In particular:

  • will be available in all 1v1 modes, including Invite Modes such as Play with a Friend;
  • will not be available in 2v2 Co-Op modes.
  • it will work on platforms of the same generation so PlayStation 4 with Xbox One while PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X | S, PC and Google Stadia are grouped together;
  • it can be excluded if you want to play only with those who use the same platform as you.

This does not apply to the transfer market. For FUT 23 it will be shared between PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X | S, Google Stadia, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One while PC and Nintendo Switch will continue to have their own transfer markets respectively.

If you are curious to learn more about the FIFA Ultimate Team news, we invite you to read the in-depth official EA post.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.