Gmail dice addio alla versione HTML di base thumbnail

Gmail says goodbye to basic HTML

Gmail says goodbye to the basic HTML thumbnail version

Gmail you will soon say goodbye to viewing your email in your browser Basic HTML version. Google recently announced that a starting from January 2024 this version of Gmail will be permanently retired.

Google, goodbye to the basic HTML version of Gmail

Since the birth of Google-branded email, lhe basic HTML version of Gmail has been a constant throughout the platform’s history. Designed to provide an extremely simple email interface, it also made it possible to access your inbox on obsolete devices or through dated browsers. However, this bare bones version of Gmail doesn’t include many of the modern options and features found in the standard version.

Although only a minority of users rely on this version, not all users do so because they are using older hardware. Some users, especially those who suffer from vision problemshave highlighted the importance of Gmail in basic HTML for its accessibility features which are not present in the standard version.

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The hope is that Google will take notice the implementation of advanced accessibility features in the standard version of the client to compensate for the loss of the basic HTML version. This way, you can implement the improved, feature-rich version of Gmail without limiting access to those with vision impairments.

The new version of Gmail implements several features of the dedicated apps for Google’s mail client. And it will become the only version accessible from the web starting from 2024.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.