Google porta l'AI di Gemini anche negli annunci della rete di ricerca thumbnail

Google brings Gemini AI to search ads too

Google porta generative artificial intelligence in Google Adsusing the model Gemini to simplify the work of the advertisersboth in the creation of campaign than in boosting search ads.

Google also brings Gemini AI to Google Ads ads

The heart of this innovation is Gemini, Google’s artificial intelligence model. The company has been testing it to power advertising solutions, and will now bring it up as well Google Ads. The advertisers in the US and UK can access the beta – you need your URL website. From here, Google’s AI will guide the creation of campaign optimized, generating relevant advertising content, including creative texts and keyword.

Google explains in its blog that the initial results are promising. Conversational experience has been shown to help advertisers to build campaign higher quality search with less effort. The metric Ad Strengthwhich evaluates the relevance, quality and diversity of the text of theannouncementseems to indicate improvements in ads — more original, with less effort.

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More to come: AI-generated (but labeled) images

Additionally, Google Gemini helps create eye-catching images, which is also important for Visual search. Conversational experience suggests Images personalized using generative artificial intelligence and Images from the landing page. This feature will arrive in the next few months: the advertisers will have to approve the different assets, including the Imagesbefore the publication of the campagna.

To ensure transparency, all Images generated by artificial intelligence will be identified as such. Google will use SynthID to apply an invisible watermark to these Images. A commitment to identifying AI-created images that dovetails with the AI ​​principles that Google published in 2018.

Initial results appear positive

The data collected indicates that the advertisers of small businesses using conversational experience have the 42% more likely to run campaigns on the research network with a Ad Strength “Good” or “Excellent”. Who increases their own Ad Strength from “Poor” to “Excellent” show an average increase in conversions of 12%.

These first results suggest that the use of Gemini AI in Google Ads can help advertisers, especially those who cannot rely on a team to create the ads. But broadening the audience, it remains to be seen whether the percentages will remain equally positive: the opening of the beta will be an interesting test for Google.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.