Google valuta un abbonamento per la ricerca con intelligenza artificiale thumbnail

Google is considering a subscription for artificial intelligence search

Google would be considering the introduction of a for the first time subscription for the use of AI in its services Research, which until now has always been free. But Mountain View sources report that the company is not working on a version of its search engine without advertising: it seems that the upcoming innovations will only concern artificial intelligence.

Google is thinking about a subscription for search with AI

This news, reported by Reuters (via suggests that the Mountain View giant could soon charge a fixed fee users to access advanced AI-powered search engine features.

The Reuters report doesn't go into detail about what AI features we'll actually see in Search. Maybe it could be mobile features like Circle and Search, which debuted on the Galaxy S24 and has made its way to Pixel phones — the company may charge extra to use it on other smartphones. The same could be true for features like Lens' multimodal search. But more realistically, it's about the Search Generative Experience which Google is working on, with an AI that answers questions directly, perhaps integrating Gemini. At the moment, however, this is speculation: Google has been working on AI features for years and we don't know which ones it might decide to reserve for subscription.

google search min subscriptiongoogle search min subscription

According to sources, Google is evaluating several options for implementing the subscription. One of the possibilities would be theintegration of AI-powered search capabilities across services existing premium subscriptionsuch as those that provide access to Gemini Assistant via Gmail and Docs.

An extra offer for artificial intelligence

This unprecedented move could allow gain ground in the competitive artificial intelligence sector. However, the company assured that the introduction of the subscription would not affect the free nature of the search engine Basic. The sponsored ads they would continue to appear next to search results for both standard users and subscribers.

In a statement emailed to Reuters, Google said: “We are not working on or considering an ad-free search experience. As we have done many times in the past, we will continue to create new features and premium services to improve our subscription offerings on Google.”

Introducing an AI search subscription could be a way for Google to monetize further its services and invest in the development of more advanced artificial intelligence technologies. At the same time, the company will have to find the right balance so as not to alienate users accustomed to a completely free search experience.

A new challenge field

It will be interesting to see how Google will implement this innovation and what the changes will be reactions of users. Above all, in the event that Google decides to offer a subscription dedicated to search only. Google will face the challenge of communicating clearly and transparently i advantages of the subscription, avoiding creating confusion among users regarding what will remain free and what will be paid.

google 25 years of online search 1google 25 years of online search 1

After all, Search remains Google's main source of revenue, fueled by ads. Introducing a subscription in this segment could be risky for the company, although on the other hand it could fuel the development of artificial intelligence in the company. Mountain View must decide whether to bet on what it thinks the future could be, being careful not to compromise its main source of revenue.

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.