I Grammy Awards mettono al bando l’intelligenza artificiale: premi solo agli artisti umani thumbnail

Grammy Awards: No awards for artificial intelligence

It doesn’t matter if it grinds plays on Spotify (not always clean) or if even Paul McCartney uses it to present an unreleased Beatles song: artificial intelligence will never win a Grammy Award. This was established by the Recording Academy, the body that assigns the prestigious statuettes. A clear decision, which outlines a well-defined border in a decidedly confusing historical period.

Artificial intelligence banned entirely from the Grammys? Not exactly

Harvey MasonCEO of the Recording Academy, said that AI-generated music may be nominated for Grammy Awardsbut only human creators (who must have played a “significant role” in the interpretation, composition or production of the piece) will be able to receive the prizes.

Mason justified this choice by stating that “artificial intelligence will have a huge and indisputable impact on the future of our industry. The idea of ​​ignoring it and not addressing it is unacceptable”.

This is indeed an important maneuver, especially taking into account the recent controversies regarding the use of artificial intelligence in music. Above all, it was the caso Boomy, a platform that, in addition to AI music creation, also allows the distribution of songs on digital stores and Spotify. All beautiful, except that most of the songs from Boomy turned out to be “pumped” in terms of ratings, with fake streams. The case has fortunately returned, thanks to the Spotify ban and Boomy’s commitment to implement greater control over its users.

However, there is also the other side of the coin, the beautiful one: this week Paul McCartney announced that thanks to artificial intelligence we will soon have a new Beatles song. Indeed, AI was used to extrapolate an old John Lennon vocal track.

Could it be the Beatles who win a Grammy in 2024? Anything is possible in this crazy world.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.