Green Label per la sostenibilità dei leader dell'elettronica thumbnail

Green Label for the sustainability of electronics leaders

The European Commission presented a legislative proposal on 30 March 2022 that could include unique rules on the labeling of a product’s environmental impact. The Commission is looking to use the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method and in particular the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF). The big question mark is whether the European Commission will make environmental impact assessment and labeling of products (with LCA) mandatory or voluntary. Trust, along with other consumer electronics companies, has forwarded the request to the European Commission to demonstrate to EU politicians that mandatory Green Labels are the only way to make the digital sector more sustainable. Let’s find out more details together

La Green Label

The Green Label aims to unify the product life cycle methodology on a global level. This is not only for large companies, but also for SMEs.

On Monday 21 March, the Dutch political party GroenLinks asked the European Parliament for mandatory impact assessments and environmental labels. Additionally, they cited the One Green Label Digital coalition, supporting the fact that things can be done differently.

The statements of the CEO of the Trust

Rogier Volmer, CEO of Trust International says: “We wrote a letter and asked other players in sustainable consumer electronics to join this coalition and sign it on:”.

Volmer continues: “We believe mandatory environmental impact labeling is possible and necessary to make the digital transition sustainable, enable consumers and businesses to make informed sustainable choices in a way that is verifiable, comparable and reliable. And then again, to create a fair playing field for companies that aim to become sustainable “.

Sustainability in Trust

Volmer says: “Business as you know it is no longer an option. It is our responsibility and ambition to design sustainable products, manage operations and offer consumers smart, accessible and sustainable choices. This goal cannot be achieved overnight. It is an ongoing effort and we are engaging and collaborating with various partners and suppliers to make intelligent changes in our industry, manufacturing, operations and product range itself. “

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.