Holden.ai StoryLab è il nuovo progetto di Scuola Holden sull'intelligenza artificiale thumbnail

Holden.ai StoryLab is the new Scuola Holden project on artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used in many ways, and if you usually read our articles you know it well. However, its real potential always and exclusively depends on who uses it. When it comes to storytelling, the key question is “how can we create synergies between man and machine?”. This is the goal of Holden.ai StoryLaba project born within the Holden School which is dedicated to research, dissemination and training on the phenomenon of generative artificial intelligence and “synthetic media”, with a focus on their applications to the world of storytelling, communication and creativity.

Scuola Holden to inform on artificial intelligence: Holden.ai StoryLab

Holden.ai StoryLab is directed by Simon Arcagni e Riccardo Milanese, and has as a partner Rai Cinema and the Transmedia Lab of the La Sapienza University of Rome. The project will collect and disseminate news, information, images, videos and other materials on AI and synthetic media.

Rai Cinema joins the project because, as the company explained, it believes that AI is a phenomenon to be observed with increasing attention, and that it is appropriate to start a reflection on one of the most current and debated topics, together with two partners who , like cinema, are close to the telling of stories and the trends of new narrative languages.

The first project in the pipeline of Holden.ai StoryLab is a multi-platform project that involves the making of three short filmswritten by a team of screenwriters from Scuola Holden and developed in collaboration with Rai Cinema, with the support of artificial intelligence.

A first scheduled appointment is the panel “Artificial Intelligence and synthetic media: the new frontiers of storytelling and creativity”, which will be held on Thursday 13 July at the Videocittà Festival in Rome (Gazometro – Palco Giardino, 10.30 pm). The panel will open a discussion on this new and powerful storytelling tool that is revolutionizing the digital world and beyond. They will intervene Simon Arcagni e Richard Milanesi (directors of Holden.ai StoryLab), Demeter Birtone (Holden communication office) e Carlo Rodomonti (Head of strategic and digital marketing of Rai Cinema).

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.