Come le compagnie aeree possono migliorare la comunicazione con il cloud thumbnail

How airlines can improve communication with the cloud

Retarded is one of the leading international providers of Enterprise Cloud solutions for Messaging, E-mail Security and Business Integration, with headquarters in Munich and branch in Milan. He listed the three benefits airlines can gain from moving communication with crew, partners and passengers to the cloud.

Retarus, help airlines thanks to cloud communication

Communicate with employees, partners and passengersi is a crucial challenge for airlines. Suffice it to say that, to ensure maximum efficiency of airport operations, the staff of the major airlines, from their hubs, send and receive on average hundreds of thousands of fax and SMS documents a month, directly from their computers.

For example, pilots and cabin crew are informed about the operating hours through the so-called “crew fax”. The crew’s hotel rooms are also booked by fax. Not only that: employees are updated on last-minute changes in the flight plan or cabin crew, by sending text messages to their smartphones. Furthermore, the management systems of the hubs generate faxes containing orders, delivery documents and order confirmations.

Retarus cloud communication is easy to implement

In the process of digitizing their businesses, airlines are facing the delicate challenge of replacing outdated on-premises infrastructure with future-proof cloud services. State-of-the-art fax and SMS services, such as those offered by Retarus, can be activated with the maximum simplicity and ease of integration. They can be easily connected to resource planning systems (ERP), such as management systems (SAP) used by airlines. And they operate, smoothly, in All IP environments.

The service provider also provides the airline with a dedicated fax number for each employee. It guarantees that the management systems can be reached through specially created numbers. This way, the airline can remain flexible in different scenarios and communicate effectively with employees and partners around the world.

cabin crew

Immediate response in case of flight plan changes

The personnel involved in the work has the possibility of retrieve a fax message addressed to the crew already approved to send and to update it, for example in the event that, during the processing of the transmission, a flight is canceled or rescheduled at short notice.

Pilots and cabin crew thus receive, in good time, the most up-to-date information and can take over other flights in a targeted manner. Additionally, this allows the airline to update hotel reservations when needed. But also to avoid cancellations and rearranging orders, for example for catering or fuel.

Future-proof communication, with reduction of fixed costs

Cloud-based SMS and fax services can be easily scaled to meet demand. In this way, companies are able to quickly adapt to seasonal fluctuations or, in the case of corporate acquisitions, expand services. At the same time, a transparent pay-per-use model ensures that airlines only pay for the services they actually use.

Because migrating to the cloud completely eliminates the high cost of licensing, maintenance, or hardware upgrades associated with an on-premises solution, airlines can cut related expenses by up to 70%.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.