
How to become a drone pilot: a complete guide

How to become a drone pilot? In this complete guide we will discover some tips to keep in mind to start this career

In recent years, the world of drones has experienced explosive growth, becoming increasingly popular for both professional and recreational purposes. Becoming a drone pilot has become an attractive option for many people, offering exciting career and hobby opportunities. However, becoming a drone pilot is not just a matter of buying a drone and learning to fly it. It is a process that requires commitment, training and, in some cases, official certifications.

The legal context: drone licensing

Before we dive into the details of how to become a drone pilot, it is important to understand the legal context that governs the operation of drones. Starting from December 31, 2020, in Europe, Switzerland, Iceland and Norway it became mandatory to have a license to fly drones weighing 250 grams or more. This regulation was introduced to ensure that every drone pilot has a basic understanding of drone flying and is aware of the safety regulations. Do you want to become a drone pilot? You can then obtain an EU drone certificate online via Patentino-drone.it.

Steps to become a drone pilot

1. Know local regulations

Before taking any other action, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the local regulations governing the use of drones in your area. This may include flight restrictions, no-go zones and requirements to obtain special permissions for certain types of flights.

2. Gain basic knowledge about flying and safety

Every drone pilot should have a solid understanding of flight principles and safety practices. This includes understanding basic drone controls, managing risks, and being aware of your surroundings while flying.

3. Choose the right drone

There are numerous types of drones available on the market, each with different features and functionality. It’s important to choose a drone that suits your needs and abilities, considering factors such as battery life, camera quality and flight capabilities.

4. Practice and improve piloting skills

As with any other skill, becoming an expert drone pilot requires constant practice. Spend time flying your drone, experimenting with different conditions and environments to improve your flying skills.

5. Consider certification

If you want to use your drone for commercial or professional purposes, you may need to obtain an official certification. This may include participating in approved training courses or passing specific certification exams.

Useful resources for drone pilots

  • Drone Pilot Associations: Joining a drone pilot association can offer networking opportunities, educational resources, and support in navigating local regulations.
  • Online platforms: There are numerous online platforms that offer training courses and resources for drone pilots, ranging from basic training to preparation for certifications.
  • Online communities: Participating in online communities of drone enthusiasts can be a great way to share experiences, get advice and stay up to date on the latest industry news.

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