
How to make interesting videos: tips and tricks

There are many interesting people around the web, people who have made a name for themselves over the years by posting great videos. Do you want to become one of them? In this guide you will discover how to make interesting videos

Okay, nice to fantasize about how much fame you will have and how much money you will havebut do you know what you need to do to achieve the same success as other web personalities? Communication is everything, there are so many factors that you need to analyze that are based on this. Today there are many ways to grow on the web, previously it was mostly done on YouTube. today there are many other platforms like TikTokor Twitch, if you have a lot of creativity and spontaneity. Speaking of this, we have also published a guide on how to grow on Twitch. But do you want to grow in other ways, for example on the aforementioned YouTube or TikTok? We’ll help you with this guide on how to make interesting videos.

How to make interesting videos: tips and tricks

Storytelling | How to make interesting videos

The first thing you need to think about before making a video is think about what you want to tell. Do you have a product to sponsor? Do you have any theories about what will happen in a future film? Do you want to describe something you are passionate about? Regardless of the type of topic you have chosen, you have to tell. This has always been innate in man, man always wants to have a story to listen to, be it in the form of a film, TV series, video game, theater show, it doesn’t matter, you have to know how to tell a story. This is not to say that you have to create a fantasy fairy tale on the spot, you have to know how to talk about a particular topic, then it’s up to you to choose which one.

How to make interesting videos: tips and tricks

Target | How to make interesting videos

Great, you have something to talk about, something to tell, but who do you want to tell it to? Have you thought about it? Because this is also something fundamental to consider. When you want to publish something on the web, pay particular attention to the target that you want to achieve. The target would be the type of audience the message is intended for and can change depending on what you want to convey. But remember that It’s impossible to please everyone, there is nothing you can say that everyone agrees on, especially if we consider that ways of thinking and reasoning are different, as are ages. Whether they are children, teenagers, or adults, the message is suitable for only one type of target.

How to make interesting videos: tips and tricks

Duration | How to make interesting videos

Here’s the thing very variablebut still it is something very important to analyze: to the duration. This length may depend on the type of platform you are publishing the video on. For example, if you want to post a funny video on TikTok, we recommend that you do not go beyond three minutes. If you have a solid fan base, in that case you can stretch it a little. It’s different for platforms like YouTubewhich is a video sharing platform where you can also talk about a topic for half an hour or even an hour, it depends on you and how much you want to analyze a topic. Whether it’s a review of a film, a video game or simply some acted sketches.

How to make interesting videos: tips and tricks

Video editing | How to make interesting videos

It seems like an obvious thing, but trust me it is not. To make an interesting video you have to know how to speak. What we mean by this: if you have a topic to cover, whether it’s the latest video game from Rockstar Games or the latest TV series from Netflix, speak clearly and speak immediately. People don’t like it when you get lost in some parts of the speech or you unnecessarily prolong the story, people prefer that you get straight to the point. For a video without cuts, try to speak as cleanly and clearly as possible, without slurring and without stuttering or hesitating. You can take breaks between speeches, but don’t get lost. If empty moments really happen, you can use some programs like Adobe Premiere Pro for Windows o Final Cut Pro X to cut those unnecessary parts.

How to make interesting videos: tips and tricks

Take care of the title, thumbnail and description

Perfect, after having also given a nice fix to the audio and camera, you have all it takes to shoot a video. But first you have to know how to attract people and click on them. How you do it? In this case you have to use the creativityyou need to write a catchy title and detailed description, as well as obviously a beautiful miniature that captures viewers’ attention and pushes them to click play. If you have creativity and put yourself in the shoes of those who see your video in front of you, you will know how to attract their attention.

We hope the guide was helpful to you! Continue to follow us on techgameworld.com for other guides from the world of the web and social media and much more.