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How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

Christmas is coming and were you thinking of organizing a family trip? For this occasion we thought it would be a good idea to give you useful advice on how to save money while traveling, which can be a useful and stimulating thing not only to be able to take the trip of your dreams and reach that much desired destination, but also to create habits that help you conserve money for any situation and thus improve your life, in this guide you will discover how to do it

The first thing to do when you want to organize a trip is to think about where and for how long, in order to understand how high your budget will be. Once you have the idea in your head, you need to estimate the costs of five factors:

  • Cost of return airfare (we have written a guide on how to save on air travel) and the travel agency
  • The cost of accommodation
  • The budget for food and drinks
  • The price of any tourist activity you want to carry out
  • The amount to set aside in an emergency fund for the trip
  • How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    Track expenses | How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    A very useful thing to do is track your expenses, compare incoming rates and outgoing rates, in short, have an idea of ​​how much money you spend within 30 days. You can do it manually, taking note of all the operations you do, or more conveniently, you can do it with the app Italian postPostepay, or with your bank which tracks all movements.

    How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    Split the expenses | How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    In this step you have to split the expenses into fixed expenses and variable expenses. Fixed expenses are those that you absolutely cannot change, such as expenses for rent and bills. Variable expenses concern those expenses that are more flexible, such as subscriptions to services such as Netflix, Disney+, Spotifyunnecessary food expenses, shopping etc.

    How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    Cut variable costs | How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    Since these services are not essential, cut variable costs It’s definitely a great idea. As for food expenses, try to set meals for yourself, perhaps making a monthly supply of the products to buy so as not to arrive at the supermarket on an empty stomach. Then cancel all subscriptions to unused services, choose a telephone provider with lower costs and get into the habit of buying second-hand. If you love challenges, try spending some days without spending anything. It might seem like a small thing, but at the end of the month you could end up with a significant sum saved up.

    How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    Use a savings account | How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    When you started earning a little money every month, separate daily expenses from occasional ones and put that amount you have left aside on a savings account, so as not to spend your savings unnecessarily. We advise you to activate an automatic transfer to your savings account every time your pay arrives in your account, so that you don’t even have to think about it.

    How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    Track savings goals | How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    At the end of each month, it matters evaluate the difficulty in achieving savings goals. If at the end of the month you feel like you’ve had difficulties, perhaps it’s time to reduce the amount you put aside or cut expenses where you can. However, if you find yourself setting aside more than you planned, try to set aside even more. You have to find a compromise between setting yourself a challenging savings goal that is difficult to achieve, so that inspires you to manage your finances intelligently but at the same time it is not impossible, so as not to demotivate you.

    How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    Stay motivated | How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    One of the most important things when setting a goal, whether for a trip or a life-changing project, is stay motivated. To help you, in the case of a trip, you can do it by decorating your thing with some visual stimuli that don’t make you lose sight of the finish line, like a photo on your computer monitor or the wallpaper on your phone. Whenever you feel the urge to go beyond the limits you have set for yourself, look at the photo of the place you would like to visit and you will get back on the right path.

    How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    Save on rent | How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    The biggest expense we all face is definitely the rent. In order to save money, if you live alone in your home, you can find a roommate or two so that halve your rent costs or even pay only a third of it, so as to find a nice sum aside. You can also consider the idea of ​​moving back to live with your parents, even if the idea is not very pleasant, but it will certainly help you save money.

    How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    Save on bills | How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    Also save on bills it will give you the opportunity to find yourself with some good money saved up. To save on bills, you can sell all the electrical equipment you think is inefficient and replace it with second-hand, but more efficient equipment. Choose the best offers on electricity and gas supplies, it may take some time. but it will be worth it for your finances. Finally replace the light bulbs with new ones lampade LED more efficient.

    How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    Take a second job | How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    A quick way to increase your income is have a second job. For example, if you work from 9am to 5pm, you could consider working in a bar on evening shifts, in a restaurant on weekends or perhaps freelance work. But be careful, if this is excessive or too tiring for you, instead of changing your lifestyle, change your expense management or you risk going into burnout.

    How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    Bringing work from home | How to save money while travelling: tips and tricks

    This is perhaps the most convenient solution for everyone: bring work from home. Smartworking has become very acceptable, especially after the big increase due to the covid pandemic. Taking work on holiday can help a lot to have some extra money aside, especially because in addition to working in the holiday destination, you can go home with more money than you had beforeespecially if the destination is very cheap.

    Traveling is always a pleasure, but sometimes the expenses involved can be high, which is why we thought we would give you these tips, which we hope will be useful to you not only to reach the destination of your dreams, but also to improve your living conditions. Continue to follow us on so as not to miss other guides and advice from the world of the web and social media.