Come sfruttare i bonus del governo per il Black Friday 2023 thumbnail

How to take advantage of government bonuses for Black Friday 2023

The real date with Black Friday is set for Friday 24th November, but Black Friday week began on the 17th. Not to mention those who made the discounts start even earlier, and those who will extend them well beyond the date of Monday 27th, Cyber ​​Monday.

We will try to give you constant updates with the tastiest offers not to be missed. Always remembering to carefully evaluate whether what we have in front of us is truly a once-in-a-lifetime discount.

Then there is another possibility to make purchases on Black Friday at advantageous prices: that of taking advantage of government bonuses.

So let’s make a quick summary of the government incentives that could be useful during Black Friday.

bonus 200 euro

Black Friday and government bonuses

There are four government bonuses that can be used during Black Friday, in addition to a regional benefit. These are measures that can also be applied to products already subject to a discount. Let’s find out what they are.

The culture bonus and the teachers card

Among the government bonuses on Black Friday, the culture bonus can be used.

This is a sum of 500 euros paid to those born in 2004. Spendable, mind you, only for books, DVDs, access to museums and theaters. Not, therefore, for tech material such as smartphones and computers.

The official name of the benefit is 18app. Which in reality was replaced by the Meloni government with two new measures, the Youth Culture Charter and the Merit Charter, which will however be operational starting from 2024.

Anyone who turned 18 in 2022 is therefore still entitled to the culture bonus.

Just as the Teachers’ card, reserved for tenured teachers. It is an annual sum of 500 euros, cumulative, with which teachers can purchase products and materials “for their training and professional development”, including computers and smartphones.

Furniture and appliance bonuses

The government bonuses to be exploited during Black Friday also include the furniture and appliances bonus.

It is in force in 2023 and will also be in force in 2024, and provides a 50% discount on the purchase of furniture and appliances, with a maximum expenditure of 8,000 euros, which will drop to 5,000 next year.

More precisely, it is an Irpef deduction intended for those who purchase new furniture and large appliances, which will furnish a property undergoing modernization works.

Anyone who purchases new high energy class furniture and large appliances by 31 December 2024 can take advantage of the furniture bonus.

The maximum spending limit concerns a single real estate unit, including appurtenances, or the common part of the building being renovated. This means that those who carry out renovation work on multiple real estate units will be able to request the contribution more than once.

A page on the Revenue Agency website lists all the furniture and appliances that can be purchased with the relief.

Air conditioner bonuses

The air conditioning bonus is also among the government bonuses that can be used on Black Friday days.

It’s a’concession that allows you to obtain a deduction of 50 to 65% both for the purchase of a new appliance and for the replacement of an old system with a new oneas long as it is of a higher energy class.

The air conditioner bonus is valid for purchases made by 31 December 2023. The amount of the discount depends on the type of intervention carried out and the equipment purchased.

Good glasses

The glasses bonus, or sight bonus, is reserved for individual members of families with ISEE not exceeding 10,000 euros.

E gives the right to a one-off voucher (one for each family member) of 50 euros which can be spent on the purchase of corrective glasses or contact lenses.

The incentive can be spent until 31 December 2023 but the funds are running out, so it is no longer possible to request a refund for purchases already made, but only for those between now and the end of the year.

Bike bonus

For Black Friday there is one last bonus, which in reality is not from the government but a contribution made by some regions.

The deadlines have expired in all regions except Emilia-Romagnawhere “those who have purchased (starting from 7 August) or intend to purchase a pedal-assisted bicycle or cargo bike from 20 September 2023 to 1 July 2025 can ask for a contribution from the Region. ”

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.