HYPE Business introduce "Tax Manager", pensato per le partite IVA thumbnail

HYPE introduces Tax Manager, a service designed for VAT numbers

HYPE Business announces the arrival of a new feature tailored for individual businesses and freelancers with a VAT number: the “Tax Manager”. This tool, available from January 2024, is specifically aimed at those who join the flat rate scheme. And it offers the possibility to automatically estimate and set aside taxes and contributions.

HYPE introduces Tax Manager, a service designed for VAT numbers

“Tax Manager” allows you to set aside savings automatically through the savings box modes that can be released directly from the app HYPE. Users will have the option to set up a savings method that will allow them to set aside an expected amount for payment of taxes and contributions, by answering a short questionnaire.

According to 2022 data from the MEF Observatory, the number of VAT numbers, especially those adhering to the flat-rate regime, is constantly growing, reaching almost 2 million.

Giuseppe VirgoneCEO of HYPE, declared: “This new tool aims to simplify the tax management of flat-rate VAT numbers, which still today find themselves having to deal with less than intuitive solutions or, too often, with rudimentary and manual reporting methods and provision. We want to help them plan their business, so that they can dedicate their attention to aspects with greater added value. With Tax Manager we will give their business greater planning and the possibility of reaching tax deadlines with a sum automatically set aside during the year. You also need a change of mentality, the awareness that tools like our Tax Manager can really help people focus on more important aspects of their business, thanks also to their extreme immediacy”.

Tax Manager is added, at no additional cost, to the offer HYPE Business, which already includes payment services, free withdrawals and the Mastercard card. The function RADAR connects all personal and business online accounts in a single app, allowing complete control over financial flows, notifications, categorization and monthly statistics.

Additionally, HYPE Business offers the section Savings to plan and set aside money for future or unexpected expenses. Added to these features is a service assistance active 7 days a week via WhatsApp, email and chat.

You can find more information on the Hype website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.