ho. Mobile introduce l'indentità digitale per l'attivazione della SIM thumbnail

I have. Mobile introduces digital identity for SIM activation

From today, customers who buy the I SIM Mobile and receive them at home, they can activate them quickly and easily, by authenticating with the Spid system. Which works with all the Identity Providers recognized by Agid.

The ho Mobile SIMs are activated with the digital identity

When you get a sim I have. Mobile, you can initiate activation via the ho app. Mobile, by scanning the serial number. Then, you just have to do a second level identification with Spid, as is done for many public digital services.

After doing these two simple steps, you can immediately use the sim to navigate, call or send text messages. And if you want, you can also take their usual number to another operator, following the rules in force.

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With this novelty, I have. Mobile further improves the digital experience of its customers who, thanks to technology and innovation, have at their disposal a simpler and safer way to access the advantages and services that distinguish the world of ho. Mobile.

Alternatively, customers can continue to use the existing identification method which requires the upload of documents and the registration of a video selfie for recognition.

For I have. Mobile there are always all the current purchase options, from the possibility of booking a SIM at the newsstand to relying on the network of physical shops. In short: all the possibilities to activate your SIM.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.