ICE e IIDEA portano 22 aziende italiane a Gamescom 2023 thumbnail

ICE and IIDEA bring 22 Italian companies to Gamescom 2023

With the slogan Games in Italy, 22 Italian exhibitors presented the innovations and trends of the Italian video game industry at the Gamescom in Cologne. The fair is aimed at showcasing the latest video game innovations Well yes is held from 23 to 25 August 2023. The group show was organized by ITA – Italian Trade Agency in collaboration with theTrade association of the video game industry in Italy IIDEA – Italian Interactive Digital Entertainment Association.

Games in Italy: Italy brings the trend in video games to Gamescom 2023

Gamescom is a unique platform and is the world’s largest trade fair for the latest trends and innovations in the video game industry. With a total of 230,000 square feet of space exhibition and with participants from 60 countries, this year’s Gamescom is bigger and more international than ever. The percentage of foreign exhibitors is 78%.

Since 2015, Italy has witnessed at Gamescom the creativity, passion and innovative spirit with which its developers guide the video game industry. In the business area of ​​pavilion 4.1. at stand C041g – D050g the exhibitors presented their products and creative developments to the international public.

Games in Italy: the importance of the video game market

Il video game market plays an important role within the creative and cultural industries in Germany. According to data from the German Video Game Industry Association (Game), sales of computer and video games (excluding hardware) rose to 6.4 billion euros in 2022.

In the same year Germany imported video game consoles and devices worth 2.1 billion euros. The Italian video game industry also shows a clear trend towards growth. With a turnover of 2.2 billion euros in 2022the Italian video game market is reconfirmed as one of the most significant sectors among the creative cultural industries.

If video game consumption is stable compared to the previous year, the Italian industry will instead grow and consolidate in 2022. Registering an increase of 30% of turnover generated by manufacturing companies made in Italywith over 2,400 employees (+50% vs 2021) working in 160 companies scattered throughout the country.

ITA IIDEA Gamescom stand

The video game market globally

Globally, the video game market revenues are also estimated to increase this year. THE global revenues for 2022for example, have been estimated at almost 314 billion euros. Of which 71.5%, equal to 224.3 billion euros, for games for mobile devices.

This year we wait an increase of international revenues to 348 billion euros. With the mobile gaming segment in the lead with $259.1 billion. These figures illustrate the significant role that the video game industry plays in the global economy.

In the coming years, between 2023 and 2027, the annual growth rate of the video game industry will be estimated at 7.9%. With an expected market volume of €472 billion by 2027. The staggering 3.1 billion users will help the industry continue to grow and gain a large following worldwide.

Globally, the largest share of revenues in 2023 is expected to be generated by Chinesewhich contributes to the global video game market with an estimated 98.6 billion euros. However, other countries, such as theItaliaplay an important role and contribute to the growth of the video game industry with their innovative ideas and developments.

The list of Italian exhibitors at Gamescom 2023

Il catalog full list of exhibitors who will participate in the Italian collective is available online.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.