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Instagram launches the marketplace that connects businesses and creators in 8 countries

Instagram is about to open the doors of his marketplace in eight new countries, allowing a brand names e creator to come together in partnership and organize paid ads on the platform. After experiencing the terrain in the United States in 2022, the company now wants to involve the Canadal’Australiathe New Zelandil United Kingdomil Japanl’India and the Brazil. Still no European Union country involved, including Italy.

Instagram expands creator marketplace to 8 more countries

The announcement of the marketplace expansion comes after Instagram tested the waters in the United States in 2022, involving an unspecified number, but “thousands” of creators e brand names (as TechCrunch reports).

The platform has introduced new API that allow you to involve creators and structure meetingsinviting them agencies to join the game. These make it easier to find creators (and for creators to find businesses) and establish sponsored post partnerships. Now, the horizon is broadening, and Instagram wants to be part of it business also in Canada, Australia, New Zeland, United Kingdom, Japan, India e Brazil.

The expansion doesn’t stop there. Metathe parent company of Instagram, announced that it will not only make the platform available in these eight countries, but will also open the doors to Chinese exporting brands to connect with creators outside the Chinese.

Instagram marketplace creativi brand min

In the coming weeks both i brand names that the creators they will be called upon to join the marketplace in these new regions. The marketing people they can search creators per partnership o adsalso promoting organic content. A way of doing things advertising smoother, straight from the hands of creators. Let’s be clear: nothing that couldn’t be done with a little research and contacting the influencer or creative directly. But the ability to search for them in a cohesive platform, look at the key numbers of their accounts and directly propose collaborations makes the work of marketers quicker.

How the platform works

Once you enter the platform through the dashboard Instagram professional, i creators they will be able to show off theirs contents and specify brand names e interests relevant. The algorithm machine learning Of Meta will do the selection of accounts, pairing the brand names ai creators right for one marketing campaign specific.

The companies they can manually choose i creatorsapplying filters based on the type of content et al public reached up. A touch of customization to refine the results and make the experience advertising a tailor-made experience.

For i creatorsrequests and conversations with i brand names will take place on Instagram chat, with messages organized in a special folder called “Partnership messages“. A tidier way to manage your working relationships and keep track of details from the marketing campaignsall from within the app.

marketplace creator instagram min

Bringing creatives and companies together

Expanding these opportunities to other markets allows Instagram to provide services to multiple agencies and multiple creators, bringing them together in a single marketplace. Furthermore, the possibility for brand names e creators to connect globally opens new ones horizons for various companies and influencers.

Also Snap, YouTube e TikTok offer similar solutions, and there are several alternative software that do just this job. Bring together those who want to sell a product or service with those who have the creative abilities and the right audience to do so.

At the moment the novelty has not yet arrived in the European Union, perhaps also because the more stringent regulations in the field of competitiveness invite Meta to present a similar product only when ready. But if the tests in these other eight countries work, Italian creatives could soon have this opportunity too. We will keep you informed.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.