Instagram: la funzione Remix è disponibile tutti i video thumbnail

Instagram Remix: now all videos can be edited

It is no longer necessary to use the function Reels to create TikTok style videos on Instagram: The social network has just expanded its function of remix to allow users to collaborate and edit from any video on Instagram. After the update, in fact, you can choose the “remix this video” option from the menu to create your own response to a particular clip. It will still be necessary to share the result via Reels, but we will have various editing tools at our disposal to improve our movie.

Instagram: news for the video Remix function

Instagram is also increasing efforts to attract more and more livestreamer on the platform. Now, in fact, the ability to highlight your live broadcast on Instagram directly from your profile has been added, giving viewers an easy way to set a reminder.

You won’t even need to attach a post however, the planned streaming is still lacking a dedicated feature for anticipating live broadcasts following the one in progress. Either way, this small change could do many content creator to attract the public, perhaps during an interview or a question and answer session.

The update to the remix functionality could prove to be very important in the coming months. Instagram, on the other hand, did not hide its willingness to counter TikTok playing at home, and the competitor’s duet mode is actually one of the reasons it has managed to become so popular.

The option to remix any video gives Instagram users, at least potentially, a larger pool of videos to choose from than TikTok, including footage that wasn’t originally meant for that format. Whether this initiative will be successful or not will be discovered only in the near future, but it is clear that Instagram has no intention of being undermined the throne of social networks.

Marco Dellapina is a passionate writer who dives into the exciting world of video games. With a deep love for gaming, Marco brings you the latest updates, reviews, and insights on the ever-evolving landscape of interactive entertainment. Join Marco on an immersive journey through the realm of video games and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and releases. Get ready to level up your gaming knowledge with Marco Dellapina's articles.