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Instagram tests the length of Reels up to 10 minutes

Always having TikTok as a point of reference, Instagram decided to test the mode of Reel from the duration of up to 10 minutes. This would mean more time spent on the app by users, also meeting advertisements, but also giving creators the opportunity to publish more in-depth content. Will it therefore change the way of fast and instantaneous publishing in favor of a slower and more in-depth topic?

Test on Reels up to a maximum of 10 minutes on Instagram: here are the details

The news of the Reel test of up to 10 minutes on Instagram was spread by the now well-known Alessandro Paluzzi, among the most reliable Italian leakers in the field of technology. He published a post on X which shows a screen showing how the limit is increased from 3 to 10 minutes of videos. Clear reference to TikTok, which two years ago had implemented the same video shooting methodology. And now YouTube would also like to follow the same path.

When will it be available to shoot Reel up to 10 minutes on Instagram?

The features being tested do not always see the officialization. Despite this, there is no doubt that the video mode is gaining more and more ground among the various social apps. For this reason, the implementation of this new feature will probably see the light soon and all content creators will be able to use it.

Instagram, some news coming this year

One feature that all users have been waiting for, especially content creators, is just the search bar in Stories. Based on what has been reported, it seems that Instagram has started testing the search bar in Stories. The bar contains the wording search for spectators and therefore gives the possibility to type the name of a person and see if they have viewed the Story. Thanks to this function, it will no longer be necessary to scroll through the list of names that have viewed the Story, making the search process much easier and faster. There is currently no information on when this type of feature will be released.

It must have happened to everyone to scroll through the Stories and see a small and interesting detail that remains so because Instagram has never given the possibility to zoom in on other users’ Stories. Instead, it seems that this feature will be introduced, although it is not yet known when. According to some sources, Zuckerberg’s app is already working on this feature. So far, you can only zoom in on photos and videos in your feed.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.