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LEGO Fortnite: tricks and tips for surviving without falling to pieces!

“It’s wonderful to be part of a team”, but only with the right advice: here are the basic tricks for the tough survival of LEGO Fortnite

It took a year of rumors and amused allusions on the part of Epic Gamesbut in the end yes, LEGO Fortnite it is reality and with its arrival also comes many gameplay elements that require it tips and tricks to acclimatise properly. Yes, in fact there would also be a kind of tutorial, but since it is (also) an open world sandbox it is easy to get lost without understanding what you should do. And this is how we end up wondering how to create those blessed wooden planks, for example. It’s a real game apart, and it’s time we started seeing it as such. We have good news, however: by experimenting we discovered several things. And we are finally ready to share them with you. Fasten your seat belts… or rather, “LIFE GIVES YOU NO BELTS!”

Take it easy | Cheats and tips for LEGO Fortnite

Many of the tricks below may not be of any use to you at all (but that’s not an excuse to stop reading our tips for LEGO Fortnite, okay?) by just following this one. When creating a new world, the default option selected is survival options all on. And if you want to play alone, you can very well set yourself a challenge: if survival games are your thing, that’s largely why you’re here. There is. What if you turned off some of these options? Surprise, surprise: no penalties for those who simplify their lives! Temperatures? Hunger? But please! Have you ever seen a minifigure in the throes of hunger pangs? With bricks you can build anything, so “realism” has very little place here: “build” the experience as you prefer. But don’t deactivate the enemies, unfortunately you need them.

LEGO Fortnite: tricks and tips for surviving without falling to pieces!

Experience from master builders | Cheats and tips for LEGO Fortnite

Okay, let’s talk about the other reason you might be here: the Pass Battaglia. Right? Rejoice: like the creative mode, here too you have lots and lots of experience to gain. Well, maybe not that much, but 30,000 experience points every quarter of an hour It’s still 30,000 experience points, don’t you think? Of course, there is a maximum limit (o “cap” if you prefer) to the experience obtainable, as in the creative mode. But you knew that the cap is not the same, right? You have a different one per mode! Then add those juicy details in the previous paragraph… and voilà, the recipe forAFK experience (without touching the controller, of course) is served. And given some of the tasks we get on Regular Island, who can blame you?

LEGO Fortnite: tricks and tips for surviving without falling to pieces!

Work! | Cheats and tips for LEGO Fortnite

Gamespeak from the Oddworld series instinctively came to mind, but in reality… well, it depends on your point of view. Every time your village levels up, you can recruit an NPC to move in with you. When this happens, you can give him a job. And it just so happens that one of the first available to you is that of accumulate resources e work the materials…that is, one of the most vital aspects. The NPC (or PNG, given that the Italian localization itself calls non-player characters this) will be happy to give you vital tools. Specifically, the resource worker will give you wood and granite, while the colleagues who refine them will provide you with tools such as those elusive wooden planks (well, just one sawmill to craft them). Everything then goes in tandem with the AFK we were talking about above… are you noticing a pattern?

LEGO Fortnite: tricks and tips for surviving without falling to pieces!

Per-berry | Cheats and tips for LEGO Fortnite

Did you want the bicycle of high and low temperatures? And now ride. Initially you will have no way to protect yourself from the environment, and that includes simply including a coat. In this sense, berries always help you: you can find them among the bushes, and there are also some for high (and low) temperatures. These are, respectively, snow berries e chili Peppers. A nice advantage, right? A little less knowing that they are found in the opposite biomes from the ones you need them in. In other words, therefore, chili peppers are found where it is warm, while snow berries peek out right in the middle of the snow. All the more reason to Stock up on them when you find themalso because once you have built a grill you can cook (camper not included).

LEGO Fortnite: tricks and tips for surviving without falling to pieces!

Offer ends Sunday | Cheats and tips for LEGO Fortnite

Let’s go back to the NPCs. You have to craft a Bed for each of them who comes to live in your village, there is no question about this. “And where do I sleep? I’ll have to get my health back!” Legitimate question, but if a bed of your own helps you regenerate health quickly while fixing a respawn point when you die there are just as many considerations to make. First point, health comes from eating: you can consume food and recover quickly. Secondly, you don’t need a fixed respawn point. Think about giving the NPCs a bed first, priority must go to them given the great good they can do for your village. Feel free to go back to two paragraphs ago if you have any doubts about it.

LEGO Fortnite: tricks and tips for surviving without falling to pieces!

“I have fists in my hands” | Cheats and tips for LEGO Fortnite

You know the practice of games in the same branch as Minecraft. Editing, moving and deleting objects is a function included in the interface, at least usually. LEGO Fortnite, for whatever ego the two parties involved can now afford, does things its way. Have you created a home? It’s there and there’s no interface that holds it. Note: interface. It’s a LEGO game: you can do it yourself and smash everything on your own. The mani they work very well; avoid wasting the already low resistance of your tools. Do you want the best side? All the materials used to build something will automatically return to you, allowing you to rebuild whatever you just razed on the fly! Furthermore, birch trees and thin trees in general can be cut down with blowers.

LEGO Fortnite: tricks and tips for surviving without falling to pieces!

Hunger for materials | Cheats and tips for LEGO Fortnite

If you have decided to complicate your life with survival elements, you will have to eat. Berries are everywhere, but they don’t fill your belly… at least, not by eating them individually. So what do you do when you can’t see anymore because you’re hungry? No fade with the rod, this time: hold down the trigger you are eating with to continue doing so until you empty the slot. It also works for collecting materials: hold down the button to continue collecting fronds, roots and anything else indefinitely. Perhaps it will be a “small” convenience, especially in comparison to our first piece of advice. And instead, in the long run, it will save you an enormous amount of time.

LEGO Fortnite: tricks and tips for surviving without falling to pieces!

Yabba-dabba-doo | Cheats and tips for LEGO Fortnite

Once you’ve learned the basics, the first big adventure you’ll face (hey, there’s a whole level of experience up for grabs!) will be to head towards a cave, where to find the next resources to invest in the village. Before you even think about the tools to collect materials and how to create them, however, you will first have to find the entrance to the quarry. It’s not difficult: if you find a point where the boulders pile up to the maximum, two times out of three you have won bingo. Or if you are more stubborn than necessary, you can also try using (read: wasting) the ice ax on the granite. You will soon understand that you are dealing with a rock formation to be explored from the inside.

LEGO Fortnite: tricks and tips for surviving without falling to pieces!

No instructions: “You must create them in your mind, my lord” | Cheats and tips for LEGO Fortnite

The tutorial will teach you how to use recipes, diagrams and floor plans to build your structures. Ok: you don’t need instructions anyway. Or at least, not since yours village will reach the level 3. Because it will only be then that you will unlock the building parts that can be used to build everything as you like. So if you don’t like the designs that the game offers, you don’t necessarily have to use them. Naturally this implies that you have to put a little more effort into creating houses, palaces, castles and so on and so forth. But then again, isn’t this the very idea behind the mode?

LEGO Fortnite: tricks and tips for surviving without falling to pieces!

Lucky chests

We close the guide to LEGO Fortnite with the last of the precious tips that we want to share with you in this long list of tricks. As soon as you can create gods chests, strive to build as many as you can. The former will have a reduced capacity, of course, but it’s better than carrying everything around with you. Or rather, it’s much better than carrying materials with you that you can lose at the first defeat. You may not have thought about it, but in the presence of enemies those three hearts you have could prove to be a real misery. You need six wooden planks (which the kind designated NPC will provide you with) to build a chest with which to cushion the blow of the next undignified beating you suffer. Which we won’t mention to anyone, don’t worry.

LEGO Fortnite: tricks and tips for surviving without falling to pieces!

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