Cronologia dei link: la nuova funzione di Facebook traccia i link che visiti (ma si può disattivare) thumbnail

Link History: Everything about Facebook’s new feature

Facebook has introduced a new feature for its mobile users, called Link history. This allows you to see which links have been visited in the app’s integrated browser.

This feature, however, also has implications on privacy and advertising, and not everyone may agree to use it. Let’s see what it is and, possibly, how to deactivate it.

What is Facebook Link History

Link History is a feature that Meta is gradually rolling out globally. This feature is available on the Facebook app for Android and iPhone, but may not yet be live for all users. When enabled, the feature tracks links opened in the app’s built-in browser. A kind of chronology, a list of links opened in the last 30 days. This way you can easily find the sites you liked in the last month.

The Link History, however, is not only useful for users, but also for Meta. Indeed, the data collected from Link History is used to show us targeted ads based on our browsing habits. This means that Meta can track our movements online and use this information to make money from advertising.

Meta says Link History is a way to improve the experience on Facebook and other Facebook platforms, such as Instagram and WhatsApp. However, some users may not like this invasion of privacy, especially at a time when technology regulations are becoming increasingly strict around the world.

Does this also affect Messenger chats?

No, Link History does not apply to Messenger chats. Links we open from Messenger chats are not saved in Link History and are not used for advertising.

How to disable Link History

You can obviously deactivate (or reactivate) Link History at any time. To manage the new functionality, assuming that it is already available for your account, just follow these simple steps:

  • Open the Facebook app from your smartphone and click on any link (to access the app browser)
  • Tap on the 3-dot icon (bottom right or top right depending on your operating system) and click Go to settings next to the gear icon
  • Under Link History, choose whether to keep it activated or deactivated and then confirm your choice

We remind you that the functionality is not yet available for all users in Italy, so the Link History item may not be present in the Settings. In this case we advise you to wait a few weeks and try again.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.