Manufacturing Experience Map per aiutare le aziende a comprendere la forza dei dati thumbnail

Manufacturing Experience Map to help companies understand the power of data

The strong digitization which involved the sector manufacturing in recent years it has led to an increasing number of companies adopting a data-driven approach. A path that, however, is not always easy to implement. Huge amounts of data are produced daily by every departmental area of ​​businesses. A real asset that requires skilful and expert management to generate value. For this reason it was introduced Manufacturing Experience Map ideata da Iconsulting. It is the leading Italian consulting firm focused on creating strategic value starting from data.

Manufacturing Experience Map to face the world of the market in the best possible way

The use of data in a strategic way it constitutes, in fact, the engine of a modern, competitive manufacturing able to face unpredictable market situations. To enable data-driven initiatives within companies belonging to the manufacturing world, it is therefore essential to address real changes in all compartments, from internal organization to the supply chain.

Yet, it often appears complex to understand which solutions can be implemented to implement innovation. Into this scenario fits the Manufacturing Experience Map conceived by Iconsulting, the main Italian consultancy company focused on the creation of strategic value starting from data. It is an interactive widget that reveals how artificial intelligence and analytics can be decisive for the future of every company in the manufacturing sector.


Manufacturing Experience Map: how it is divided

In fact, the Map analyzes 5 areas (Organization, Procurement, Supply Chain, Controlling and Customer), 8 departments (Supplier, R&D, CdG, Production, Warehouse, Quality, HR, SOP) and illustrates 18 use cases which, from Sustainability to Image Recognition, respond to the needs of the various divisions, revealing the strategies adopted and the results achievable.

The purpose of the tool is, therefore, to show the potential for action available to organizations that can count on data and to help them understand how to respond to different business needs through Iconsulting’s development methodology and technology.

The word to Alfredo Formisano, Director of Iconsulting

“Con la Manufacturing Experience Map – afferma Alfredo Formisano, Director at Iconulting – we wanted to outline and share with the entire industry a clear and effective vision of the opportunities provided by data, technology and our methodology to promptly satisfy every business need. A tool which, based on use cases deriving from concrete and tangible experiences developed for our customers, offers cutting-edge solutions aimed at achieving the objective, contributing to progress and innovation”.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.