Meta chiude Novi, ma il servizio di criptovalute tornerà nel metaverso thumbnail

Meta closes Novi, but the cryptocurrency service will return to the metaverse

Meta closes the service to transfer Cryptocurrency Newwhich he had integrated into WhatsApp. But technology will not abound entirely, which should instead find its place in the metaverse.

Meta closes Novi, the cryptocurrency service (which we will review in the Metaverse)

According to Meta explains, the crypto service should definitively close its doors on 1 September 2022. THowever, the restrictions will begin as early as July 21stwith WhatsApp users who will no longer be able to load money into their wallet but will be able to transfer the remaining funds.

However, Novi recommends closing and convert your cryptocurrency balance “as soon as possible”. Which, however, may not be exactly convenient for most users, given the collapse that most cryptocurrencies have had in recent weeks.

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However, the company explains to The Verge that it doesn’t want to dismiss the technology entirely. Indeed, he wants to bring it into future projects such as that of metaverso.

“We are using the years spent building blockchain projects to introduce new products, such as digital collectibles. Expect to see more of us in new contexts, convinced that such technologies can bring to people and to companies in the metaverse big advantages “.

Meta had launched the Novi project only last year, to relaunch its ambitions in the crypto sector. The project was initially tied to Meta’s proprietary cryptocurrency possibility, Libra. Instead he had ended up using it Stablecoin USDP Paxos Trust. However, stablecoins have also suffered declines in the last period, showing that crypto payments remain an uncertainty for many users at the moment.

But Meta seems willing to bet that it won’t be that way for long: will they be stable enough for the metaverse?

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.