Microsoft 365 Copilot arriva in Italia, per tutti thumbnail

Microsoft 365 Copilot arrives in Italy, for everyone

Microsoft Italy recently announced the availability of Microsoft 365 Copilot in the Italian territory, bringing its solution based on theGenerative AI. This tool aims to act as a co-pilot in the workplace, collaborating with people and companies to optimize daily activities.

Microsoft 365 Copilot arrives in Italy

Copilot harnesses the power of large language models (LLMs) together with corporate data and at Microsoft 365 apps. This combination helps bring AI to Microsoft 365 apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook e Teams. We will be able to use artificial intelligence to stimulate creativity, improve productivity and enhance skills.

A completely new experience also comes, Microsoft 365 Chatwhich brings together language models, Microsoft 365 apps, and business data, such as calendars, emails, chats, documents, meetings, and contacts, to perform tasks previously beyond human capabilities.

Vincenzo Esposito, CEO of Microsoft Italy, explains: “Generative AI can generate unprecedented opportunities and benefits and we are convinced that it will be able contribute significantly to improving the world in which we live and workhelping us to achieve previously unthinkable goals.”

The impact of artificial intelligence on work

Esposito explains that Microsoft Italia is already working to bring Microsoft 365 Copilot to companies. “Like Microsoft, we stand with organizations to guide them through this technological revolution and help them embrace change. We are already working, in collaboration with our ecosystem of partners in the area, with numerous companies in Italy, supporting them in the identification of strategic innovation scenarios, supporting them in their rapid implementation and guaranteeing training so that they have the necessary skills to effective, safe and responsible use of generative AI”.

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The impact ofGenerative AI on the corporate landscape it seems evident and tangible. Studies conducted by The European House – Ambrosetti in collaboration with Microsoft Italy indicate that broad and widespread adoption of this technology could generate annual added value of up to 312 billion euroscorresponding to 18% of Italian GDP. Furthermore, the use of the tools of Generative AI could free a total of 5.4 billion hours work, to be dedicated to more strategic and high-value activities.

According to McKinsey, globally the impact of generative AI could be worthwhile between 2,600 and 4,400 billion dollars per yearequal to the GDP of the United Kingdom.

The possible benefits (and risks) of generative AI

I benefits of generative AI they appear to be able to touch all industries, with sectors such as finance, manufacturing, healthcare and life sciences being more mature in adopting this technology. And it can play a role in many industrial processes.

However, despite the benefits, they also emerge risks and concerns. The protection of privacy represents a critical point for over half of companies (52%), while 38% are worried about ethical and social implications. Microsoft makes known its commitment to promoting safe, transparent and responsible development of generative AI. Based on principles of equity, inclusion, reliability, transparency, safety and responsibility. The company is actively working to manage AI-related risksimplementing multi-level governance and robust controls over processes and outcomes.

Microsoft 365 Copilot and the collaborations already active in Italy

Encouraged by data from the Work Trend Index, many global companies have embraced it Copilot as an integral part of theirs workflows. According to the report of Microsoftil 70% of Copilot users noticed an increase in productivitywhile the 68% showed an improvement in quality of workand the 57% underlined his own creativity amplified. The tool has optimized the speed in executing specific tasks for the 29% of those interviewed.

microsoft acrivisionMUNICH, GERMANY – DECEMBER 26, 2018: Microsoft logo at the company office building located in Munich, Germany

In Italy, companies such as A2A, CNH Industrial, Iveco Group, MAIRE, Nexi and Saipem they are experimenting Microsoft 365 Copilot. For example, A2A adopted the program for improve employee productivity and inclusionWhile CNH Industrial involved 100 employees to evaluate Copilot’s impact on productivity and content quality.

Similarly, Iveco Group mira a integrate generative AI to improve productivity and I connected initiated an internal program to explore traditional and generative AI, to unleash human potential. In the end, Saipem use Copilot to improve your quality of processes e reduce commitment to less relevant activities.

Microsoft explains what partners like 4wardPRO, Reply e Avanade play an essential role in assisting companies in the integration of Copilot within their business activities, supporting the transition towards the adoption of solutions Generative AI.

You too can start using Microsoft 365 Copilot in Italy, find further information on the official Microsoft website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.