Microsoft rimuove Twitter dai social per il marketing- ed Elon Musk la denuncia thumbnail

Microsoft removes Twitter from social media for marketing – and Elon Musk denounces it

Microsoft has removed Twitter from social networks in its digital marketing tool for companies; Elon Musk instead promised a complaint to the Redmond company. Musk’s reasoning concerns Twitter user data that the CEO thinks Microsoft used to train its AI chatbot Bing. But the timing suggests more of a reaction to Microsoft’s move.

Elon Musk sues Microsoft, which removed Twitter from marketing tools

Microsoft communicated to his customers that from April 25 they will no longer be able to use his instrument digital marketers to manage their Twitter accounts. The company informed users on its page dedicated to Smart campaigns across multiple platforms that Twitter will no longer be supported from his service. This decision comes after that Twitter has released the pricing of its APIwhich according to Wired would cost business users at least $42,000 a month.

Microsoft has apparently decided to give up Twitter instead of paying for its API. This means that your customers will no longer be able to use your tool for create, manage or schedule their tweets, nor to see previous tweets and interactions. Microsoft added that other social media, such as “Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn will remain available”.

Twitter labels developer code hate speech

The move of Microsoft allegedly elicited a reaction from Elon Musk, who responded to a tweet reporting the news with a threat of legal action against the company. “They illegally used Twitter data for training. Time to report”wrote the owner of Twitter.

Musk did not provide any evidence on how Microsoft would illegally use Twitter data. It should be emphasized that Microsoft has financially supported OpenAI and ChatGPT. Musk co-founded the company but recently stepped away from it, even pledging his own AI company, TruthGPT.

It is unclear whether Musk really intend to sue Microsoft. Neither he nor the Redmond company has released any further information.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.