MINI Inhabit Sound, tra suono e sostenibilità thumbnail

MINI Inhabit Sound, between sound and sustainability

The installation “MINI Inhabit Sound” can be visited from today at l‘ADI Design Museum in Milano and will be open to the public until November 2, 2023. This installation aims to explore the theme of Sound Design and the link between sound, sustainability and the urban environment. A collaboration between MINI e la SOS School of Sustainability, founded by Mario Cucinellawhich offers a 9-month postgraduate program for young designers in Sustainable Architecture and Design.

MINI Inhabit Sound, the installation in Milan

Federica Manzoni, Head of MINI in Italy, underlined: “Through the collaboration with SOS – School of Sustainability, our brand aims to promote young talents and wants to underline its commitment to
world of design and in the planning field, encouraging reflection on the theme of sustainability in the urban context, a perfect example of the MINI philosophy: Big Love for the People, Big Love for the Planet, Big love for the Progress. In this scenario, trends and styles, creativity and communication, project culture and technology represent key concepts for developing common initiatives.”

The manager continues: “MINI is an iconic object of constantly evolving design, in step with the times, but always faithful to its original. His heart beats to the rhythm of the city. It has always been in line with the trends of
moment, but also and above all attentive to the much more important issues that have to do with the urban fabric, the city of the future and those who populate it.”

The importance of sound

Sound is an important element of the urban experience, and the “MINI Inhabit Sound” project focuses on how sound can help define the identity of a city. Sound Design plays a fundamental role in this process. And this installation offers a unique opportunity to explore the relationship between sound, architecture and sustainability.

inhabit sound mini min

The main objective of the project is to create a sustainable space for listening, contemplation and sharing. Sound is transformed into a visible, architectural form, resulting in a holistic experience where acoustics and sustainability come together for collective well-being. Renzo Vitale, Creative Director Sound Design of the BMW Group, underlined the importance of developing “aural awareness, so that individual actions lead to collective well-being”.

A journey through the sounds of the city

They worked on “MINI Inhabit Sound” Carlo Caire, Nicola Capozzo, Ruben Enrique Garrido Rizk and Flavia Torrettawith the supervision of Renzo VitaleSupported by Jacopo Panfili, Sound Design Assistant Coordinator at IED European Institute of Design. This installation offersand a real sound walk through the sounds of a metropolitan city like Milan. Spectators will be immersed in an experience that will lead them to reflect on the sounds that surround them and their impact on individual and collective well-being.

mine inhabit sound sustainability min

In total immersion, you will pass through three distinct soundscapes, each representing a unique condition. The first is based on the everyday sound world of ours citythe second fades the concept weather to invite reflection on the perception of the self, while the third imagines a sustainable future in terms of urban sound.

This project was made possible thanks to the partnership with Caimi Brevetti SpA, which provided sound-absorbing materials and acoustic insulation solutions. Technology Snowsound-Fiber was used to control acoustic reverberation precisely. Additionally, the design integrated sustainable elements, such as ECONYL fabric made from recycled nylon waste.

This project highlights the importance of sound as an integral part of the driving experience new electric cars MINI, creating unique sound atmospheres for each model. Find more information on MINI cars on the official website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.