NetApp e DreamWorks Animation prolungano il proprio legame rinnovando la partnership thumbnail

NetApp and DreamWorks Animation extend their relationship by renewing their partnership

NetApp, a global cloud-led and data-centric software company, has announced today the renewal of the strategic and co-engineering partnership with DreamWorks Animation. NetApp will remain the cloud data services provider of choice for DreamWorks and supported by NetApp solutions, both on-premise and in the cloud. The company will continue to evolve its hybrid cloud environment for greater productivity, flexibility and agility.

NetApp and DreamWorks renew their partnership

With the release of its latest Ruby Gillman animated feature, Girl with Tentacles, DreamWorks Animation marked more than 25 years of advances in technologies used to bring innovative motion pictures to audiences around the world. From the beginning, NetApp has provided leading-edge solutions to manage growing production demands and data complexity. Additionally, NetApp’s co-engineering partnership with DreamWorks brings together experts from both companies to solve real-world engineering problems. The issues center around optimizing workflows in a hybrid cloud environment while reducing latency.

Technological advances

Technology advances resulting from the collaboration between NetApp and DreamWorks include:

  • Improved performance through the use of NetApp AFF in the DreamWorks high-performance computing environment and the ability to slice data more efficiently with NetApp StorageGrid.
  • Greater agility by extending applications into the cloud using Azure NetApp Files and NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP, while extending geographic reach to support distributed resources.
  • Latency reduction and data center footprint with NetApp ONTAP systems using NetApp All Flash arrays for rack and power efficiency.

watching TV

“In 2018, we transitioned from being a NetApp customer to working with them as a valued partner, bringing together the best of both companies’ resources to accelerate our digital transformation,” he said. Bill Ballew, Chief Technology Officer di DreamWorks Animation. “Unlike many other companies that simply rely on data, DreamWorks’ final product is completely data. In fact, we generate up to a petabyte of data for each film, and we couldn’t bring the imaginative storytelling of our animated films to life without the world-class data management services offered by NetApp“.

Together, NetApp and DreamWorks Animation work together to continually grow the tools and techniques needed to elevate the visual storytelling of every film. NetApp provides DreamWorks Animation with innovative technologies to handle the massive amount of data generated during production while balancing the performance, flexibility, and cost of data storage.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.