Arrivano le Passkeys su PlayStation: ecco come funziona l’alternativa smart alla password thumbnail

Passkeys are arriving on PlayStation: how the smart alternative to the password works

PlayStation introduced the Passkeys, a new option that replaces passwords and makes accessing your account more secure and convenient. Let’s try to clarify, to understand what they are, why they are useful and how to set them.

What are Passkeys? What are the benefits?

Passkeys are digital credentials that rely on encryption and which are created automatically for each online service. With Passkeys, users don’t need to remember or enter a password, but can use the unlocking method they prefersuch as biometric authentication (via fingerprint or facial recognition) or PIN, to access their accounts across different platforms and devices.

The advantages are many. Let’s start by saying that Passkeys are more secure than traditional passwords. These are fraud resistant and follow standards Fast Identity Online (FIDO) established by the FIDO Alliance, a global organization of which the Sony Group (owner of PlayStation) is part. The FIDO Alliance is responsible for defining and promoting the more advanced authentication standards for a wide range of devices and platforms. The goal is to reduce the dependence on passwords, which are considered an obsolete method in contemporary times. These standards are supported by leading companies and institutions in the technology sector, with which PlayStation itself has collaborated to offer an optimal access experience.

How to activate Passkeys for your PlayStation account

To start using Passkeys, simply access your PlayStation account settings and activate the relevant option. For example, from the console the path to follow is: Account > Security > Log in with passkey. Furthermore the Passkeys of an account will be valid for all other services offered by Sony for that specific account.

PlayStation 5 4 Passkey

In the official Sony blog post, signed by Ryan King, Senior Director, Product Management, Platform Experience of the company we read:

“Historically, a challenge for Sony Interactive and the tech and gaming industry as a whole has been the use of passwords, which has been a limitation both in terms of identity protection and speed and security. ease of access to experiences if one of them is forgotten, compromised or is simply difficult to insert onto a particular device”.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.