Planter: l’app che ti fa scoprire la cucina vegetale thumbnail

Planter: the app that helps you discover plant-based cooking

Born from an idea by Carlotta Perego, founder of Cucina Botanica, and Silvia Goggi, leading expert on plant-based nutrition in Italy, Planter it is the innovative one app that revolutionizes the world of plant-based nutrition, designed to be the fundamental ally of those who wish to embrace a healthy, sustainable and tasty lifestyle.

Thanks to a personalized meal plan Packed with thousands of plant-based recipes and nutritional chat support available 7 days a week, Planter accompanies users on the path towards a balanced and conscious diet, for a sustainable future in which plant-based cuisine will be accessible to all.

Planter, how the new app works

The application’s features are designed to simplify and enrich people’s culinary and nutritional experience, from weaning to adulthood. With Planter, every user has access to personalized weekly menus, tailor-made for yourself and your family, based on your needs and tastes.

Each recipe is explained step by step, making the creation of tasty and healthy vegetable dishes clear and simple. Thanks to the shopping list always updated in real time, users can purchase only the necessary ingredients, avoiding waste and saving money.

Support via chat provided by the team of nutritionists expert in plant-based nutrition, available 7 days a week, offers users personalized answers and indications to make their journey towards plant-based cuisine a satisfying and safe experience.

Planter, the app for a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle

Adopting a more lifestyle healthy and sustainable it is an inevitable and essential necessity, and plant-based nutrition emerges as a key solution to address environmental challenges and promote a better quality of life. With lower emissions of climate-altering gases and lower consumption of resources compared to traditional diets, the adoption of plant-based cuisine is essential to help preserve the environment and promote better global well-being.

In this context, Planter stands as a first-rate option for those who wish to make a difference in their lives and the environment around them. Thanks to an informed approach, supported by guidelines provided by expert nutritionists, users can do conscious food choices that have a positive impact on one’s health and on the planet.

The fight against food waste

Planter also undertakes to actively contribute to the lawfight against food waste widespread globally (data underline that 17% of food purchased in the world is thrown away). By reducing waste and promoting the judicious use of ingredients, the application acts as a precious ally in pursuing greater environmental sustainability.

How the app was born

Planter was born from the idea of ​​three young and determined professionals, united by the passion and vision of making plant-based nutrition accessible to all. Simone Secchi, CEO of Planter and Business Manager of Botanical cuisine, declares: “Our goal is to promote a sustainable lifestyle through plant-based nutrition. With a simple, intuitive and user-friendly application, we want to revolutionize the approach to plant-based cooking, making it incredibly easy and engaging. Our commitment is to contribute to a better future for our planet, where embracing a healthy and sustainable lifestyle is within everyone’s reach.”

Silvia Goggigraduated in Medicine and Surgery with specialization in food science and best-selling author on plant-based nutritionhe adds as scientific director of the project: “The data in the scientific literature on the health benefits of plant-based diets are solid and continually growing. Planter combines these findings with my personal clinical experience. We want to provide reliable nutritional support and help people embark on a healthy and conscious eating and cooking journey.”

Carlotta Perego, founder of Cucina Botanica and creative director of Planter, enthusiastically declares: “Planter represents a way to transform our future for the better, one plate at a time. Plant-based cooking doesn’t have to be boring or complicated, but rather inspiring and fulfilling. We want to share the wonders of the plant-based diet and demonstrate that eating healthy can be incredibly delicious and rewarding.”

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.