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Qonto, the increasingly used business payment cards

Qonto wanted to evaluate the use of business payment cards by more than 250 thousand users in France, Germany, Italy and Spain. The result has seen a great growth in the use of cards, both physical and virtual ones. In particular, in Italy the use grows of 25,5%.

More and more customers are using Qonto payment cards

With the Pos which has become mandatory for all merchants, the volume of card payments is increasing. A sign that people were just waiting for card payments to be more available and easy to use.

During the first quarter of 2022 the average volume of card payments (both virtual and physical) in fact saw one growth of 10.8% compared to the same period of 2021. The use of cards in Italy rises by + 26.5% in Italy, + 55.7% in Spain. In France it grew 10%, while in Germany by 17.8%.

The use of virtual cards is also growing a lot. + 28.1% between the first quarter of 2021 and the same period of 2022 in Italy, while Spain even + 114.9%. But physical cards remain preferred, reaching 92.5% of all transactions in Q1 2022 (up from 90.3% in Q1 2021).

QONTO EXPORT2 photo quentin chevrier april 2019 17 min min

In all economic sectors, use is increasing, but not in the same way

By dividing the data between sectors, we see how the increase is everywhere, albeit at different rates. In the building sector in one year it grows by 71.6%. In the transport sectors, virtual payments rise by 50.4%.

However the companies buildings they still prefer for more than 90% shop offline. Per transport and of storage we are at 88.7%. While the telecommunications are 50% of all transactions processed online in 2022, in finance e insurance the figure even rises to 67%.

Mariano Spalletti, Qonto Country Manager for Italy, explains: “Card payments, including payments with smartphones, have now become a custom in Europe, both at the level of consumer payments and business payments. Retail banking has certainly set standards in terms of product expectations and usage patterns. Our goal is to offer all Qonto customers a simple payment experience tailored to their specific needs. We offer different types of cards for each type of use case: from the simplest to the “premium” and most complete offer, with our Carta X. Our main focus is always the same: to give our customers the opportunity to save time and energy to focus on what really matters in their business ”.

Qonto payment cards

Qonto currently offers six different business cards along with Mastercard. All cards are compatible with Apple Pay and Google Pay. There are:

  • Physical cards
    • Carta One – included in every Qonto plan, payments up to € 20,000 and withdrawals up to € 1,000 per month, 2% commission on foreign currency payments
    • The Map More – at a cost of € 6 per month excluding VAT, payments up to € 40,000 and withdrawals up to € 2,000 per month, 1% commission on payments in foreign currency
    • Carta X – at a cost of € 20 per month excluding VAT, payments up to € 60,000 and withdrawals up to € 3,000 per month, zero commissions on payments in foreign currency
  • Virtual cards
    • Virtual card – free with a smart plan, payments up to € 20,000, 2% commissions on payments in foreign currencies
    • Carta Flash – Disposable virtual card for single and one-time payments, free from the business plan, payments up to € 20,000, 2% commissions on payments in foreign currency
  • Physical or virtual cards
    • Fuel card – free or up to € 20 excluding VAT (depending on the card chosen), payments up to € 60,000

Find more information on Qonto cards on the official website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.