Matteo De Filippi

Race 1 Finals Heat-Nuggets: where to see it, live TV times and streaming

Game 1 of the Finals between the Heat and the Nuggets is approaching, but where can we see it and what are the live TV and deferred streaming times?

We have finally reached a crucial point of this season NBA which is coming to an end. The Finals they are always a delicate moment for the teams that face them and the pressure on the players becomes almost unbearable. After all, winning would not only bring glory for being there best team of the year both in the East and in the West, but it would also mean grab the coveted ring that all players desire.

Se i Denver Nuggets they qualified “without too much effort” beating the Los Angeles Lakers 4-0thanks above all to an excellent Nikola Jokic with three triple-doubles in the four games, for the Miami Heat it was not the same. Despite a initial run of 3 to 0 for the Florida team, they suffered the Boston Celtics comeback which forced them to play race 7.

In this last match a dose of luck, given the injury right at the start of the match Jayson Tatum which affected its performance, and a great work by Jimmy Butler and Caleb Martin allow Miami to get the better of the Celtics, giving them access to the last few games of the season. Who between Denver and Miami will be able to get the upper hand? We will only find out at the end of the series, but now we understand where to see game 1 of the Finals between the Heat and the Nuggets and what are the times of live TV and streaming and which ones of the deferred ones.

Race 1 Finals Heat-Nuggets: where to see it, live TV times and streaming

Live TV times and streaming of Finals Heat-Nuggets game 1 and where to watch it

The first game between the two winning franchises will be played Friday 2 June at 2.30am, or tonight so to speak. The match will be broadcast live on the Sky Sports NBA channel of society Sky Italiaaccessible through the classic subscription or in streaming tramite l’app NOW TV. Through the latter we will be able to have the cinema or sport package at the cost of €14.99 per month. For more details or to subscribe to the service, We leave you the link of the official site.

Obviously not everyone will be able to watch the match live since the timetable is a bit inconvenient for us Italians, but don’t worry. This will be broadcast on a delayed basis throughout the day, more precisely there will be four performances during the day. It will start at 11:00 with the firstand then continue at 14:00, at 19:30 e at 10.45pm.

Not just the NBA though! With the NOW TV sports package you also have access to F1 world championship and to that of MotoGPyou will be able to see the latest matches of the Serie A championship and the best European competitionsbut also i various world championshipsi best tennis tournaments and so much more.

Which of the two teams will win? Let us know in the comments. In order not to miss further news regarding the web and social universe relating to the Finals times, continue to follow!

With a deep understanding of the digital landscape and social media trends, Janice keeps readers informed about the latest developments, updates, and controversies in the world of web and social platforms.