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Ransomware and data stealers: the main threats for small and medium-sized businesses

Acronis is a global leader in Cyber ​​Protection. Today released the results of the mid-year edition of the threat reports. It looked at the risks of innovation and how to deal with the implications of attacks that leverage artificial intelligence. The full study is based on data captured from over one million endpoints globally. It captures the evolving cybersecurity landscape and reveals the most widespread use of generative artificial intelligence systemssuch as ChatGPT, by cybercriminals to create malicious content and launch increasingly sophisticated attacks.

Acronis Report: Ransomware is the top business risk

Also for this semester, Ransomware is the top risk for small and medium-sized businesses. While the number of new ransomware variants continues to decline, the severity of the attacks is still very high. It worries a lot too the growing threat of data stealerswho exploit stolen credentials for unauthorized access to sensitive information.

The results of the Acronis Report

The report results indicate phishing as the most popular method by criminals to find login credentials. In the first half of 2023 alone, the number of email-based phishing attacks is increased by 464% compared to 2022. A 24% increase in attacks suffered by each company was also observed over the same time period.

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Also in the first half of 2023, it was recorded on the endpoints monitored by Acronis a 15% increase in the number of malicious files and URLs per scanned email. Criminals have also tapped into the burgeoning market for AI-powered large language models (LLMs). Leveraging platforms to build, automate, refine, and scale new attacks through active learning.

A constantly evolving landscape

In their attacks, cybercriminals show ever more sophisticated capabilities. They use artificial intelligence and already existing ransomware code to penetrate deep into victims’ systems and extort sensitive information. Malware created with artificial intelligence is capable of escaping traditional antiviruses; cases of public ransomware have increased exponentially since last year. Endpoints monitored by Acronis return valuable data on how criminals act, confirming the greater intelligence, complexity and difficulty of detecting some types of attacks.

Ransomware Italy to the world

The results collected

From the research and careful analysis of the collected data, the following results emerge:

  • In Q1 2023, Acronis blocked approximately 50 million URLs on endpoints, up 15% from Q4 2022.
  • During the same period, 809 ransomware cases were disclosed, up 62% in March, compared to the monthly average of 270 cases.
  • Also in Q1 2023, 30.3% of all emails received were spam and 1.3% contained malware or phishing links.
  • Each piece of malware circulates for an average of 2.1 days before disappearing. 73% of the specimens were observed only once.
  • Public AI models act as an unwitting accomplice of criminals looking for vulnerabilities in source codes: in fact, they help them create situations that prevent and prevent fraud, such as deep fakes.

The behavior of hackers

Hacker groups use phishing to acquire credentials, mine data and profit from it.

  • Phishing remains the most common form of credential theft, accounting for 73% of all attacks. In second place are corporate email compromise attacks, at 15%.
  • Il LockBit group is responsible for most data breaches.
  • Il clop group hacked the systems of a network of mental health providers, affecting the personal and HIPAA-protected data of more than 783,000 people.
  • BlackCat, infiltrating the systems of an Indian industrial manufacturer, he appropriated more than 2 TB of secret military data, including personal information of employees and customers.
  • Vice Society compromised 1,200 servers and the personal information of 43,000 students, 4,000 academic staff and 1,500 administrative staff at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

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The breaches confirm security concerns

According to the study, traditional Cyber ​​Security methods and inaction open the door to cybercriminals as robust security solutions capable of detecting exploits of zero-day vulnerabilities are not adopted, often companies do not immediately update vulnerable software but introduce fixes long after they’re available, increasingly affected Linux servers are inadequately protected, and not all companies follow recommended data backup protocols, including the 3-2-1 rule.

Analyze these trends, Acronis reiterates the need for proactive cyber protection measures. A solid security profile dictates the choice of a solution that acts on multiple levels, combining anti-malware, EDR, DLP, email security, vulnerability assessment, patch management, RMM and backup functions in a single resource. The use of an advanced solution that combines AI, machine learning and behavioral analysis helps to contain the risks posed by ransomware and theft of credentials and data. Through ongoing research, development efforts, and collaboration with industry partners, Acronis is committed to building the tools that will enable individuals and businesses to better defend against emerging cyberthreats.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.