Revolut e Allianz Partners uniscono le forze: arriva la nuova assicurazione di viaggio thumbnail

Revolut and Allianz Partners join forces: the new travel insurance arrives

Allianz Partners is the new global provider of travel insurance services Revolut. As of April 2022, Allianz will cover Premium and Metal customers with your own travel insuranceinsurance that includes both the cancellation of the trip and the interruption of the trip in the event of a disease attributable to pandemics and epidemics, including COVID-19.

Revolut and Allianz Partners travel insurance

The insurance package provided by Allianz Partners will also include the benefits that Revolut customers have enjoyed in recent years, such as overseas medical emergency protection, trip cancellation, trip interruption, lost or delayed baggage, and winter sports coverage.
Then we will be available a 24/7 medical assistance hotline, in addition to a number of additional benefits provided by Allianz Partners.

We also point out that the Premium plan will provide coverage for children or dependents up to the age of 17 while the Metal plan will include extended travel liability coverage and car rental deductible.

“Offering travel insurance with Allianz Partners will greatly boost the confidence of Revolut customers. – he has declared Balazs Gati, Revolut’s Global Head of Insurance – Our financial super app offers a wide range of innovative in-app services beyond those associated with banking and finance, and insurance is a valuable asset in our product portfolio. Revolut and Allianz Partners have the same mission: to ensure the health and well-being of customers when they travel, as access and costs to health care shouldn’t be a limit to getting the medical support they need. With this partnership, Revolut customers will receive a broader insurance plan with additional protection, along with all the great features they already love. “

“Allianz Partners is proud to support Revolut and its customers with comprehensive travel protection services and extended coverage for maximum peace of mind and convenience. This partnership attests to our strong capabilities to develop a global insurance program that covers numerous countries with the same level of protection and quality of service. We are committed to accompanying our fintech and digital banking partners with innovative protection solutions that combine high technology and human touch while we aim to be the preferred partners for new banks and fintechs, “he added. Genoveva Perez Lijo, Head of Global Client Segments di Allianz Partners.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.