Niente roaming in Europa fino al 2032 thumbnail

Roaming EU, Parliament supports extension and new rules

The MEPs approved the extension of the Roaming in the EU, guaranteeing all European citizens to surf, call and text in Europe at no additional cost. The current deal would expire in 2022, but will continue for the next few years. And just a few hours ago, Parliament introduced new rules, aimed at guaranteeing sustainability it’s at extend the reti.

Roaming EU, Parliament for the extension

The extension of roaming on the European territory has been approved by the European Parliament. This allows European consumers to continue calling and transferring data within EU borders at the same cost as the house rate.

The current regulation has allowed in the last five years a 170 million people to surf and make calls in all EU countries, at no additional cost to your tariff plan. The renewal of this regulation was anything but trivial: the project had great support from citizens but the agreements between telecommunications companies (and between parliamentarians) were not discounted.

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Roaming includes all 27 countries of the European Union, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. And they were very successful: in 2019 the increase was 17 times over the previous year. While travel has decreased during these two years of the pandemic, free roaming has continued to be heavily exploited.

The new regulation approved will be valid for the next ten years. And it introduces novelties, such as the possibility of contacting the emergency services for free in each country e the obligation for operators to inform of any increases in costs abroad for services such as the helpdesk.

Furthermore, the Parliament has recently introduced new rules to ensure the sustainability of the e incentives to invest in networks. You can learn more here.


European Parliament

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.