Serena e Venus Williams protagoniste a VivaTech 2024 thumbnail

Serena e Venus Williams protagoniste a VivaTech 2024

The legendary tennis sisters, Serena e Venus Williamswill be the stars of VivaTech 2024, the largest European event dedicated to startups and technology. Their presence a Parisdal 22 al 25 maggioallows them to launch their startup, which is generating a lot of interest.

Venus and Serena Williams at VivaTech 2024 with their startup Shares

The Williams will not just be simple guests. Their involvement is linked to the launch of the startup's campaign Sharesan investment platform that aims to democratize the world of finance. Serena and Venus, together on stage, will present their initiative: after years at the top of the world of sport, they are focusing on innovative startups.

On May 24th, the two champions will take the stage at Paris Dome with Benjamin Chemla, CEO of Shares. It will be an opportunity to present to the VivaTech public the innovative social features of the platform, which allows its users to invest in thousands of US and European stocks, ETFs and cryptocurrencies.

Maurice Lévy, Co-president of VivaTech, does not hide his enthusiasm for the presence of Williams: “Their careers have thrilled sports fans around the world and we are delighted to share that same passion with new technology lovers in the year of the Olympics”. And Benjamin Chemla adds: “Launching our campaign at VivaTech in Paris with two of the most iconic sports stars in the world is a dream come true for us.”

In short, the 2024 edition of VivaTech promises to be more exciting than ever. With Serena and Venus Williams on stage, the boundary between sport, technology and innovation is becoming increasingly thin. And who knows, their presence will inspire a new generation of entrepreneurs to dream big and challenge the status quo. Just like they did, on and off the field.

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Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.