Boom del solare in Italia, oltre 100 mila nuovi impianti in un anno thumbnail

Solar boom in Italy, over 100,000 new plants in one year

Italy continues to follow a positive trend in the renewable energy sector, with rapid adoption of photovoltaic systems. According to the seventh Elmec Solar Photovoltaic Barometer, company specialized in the installation and maintenance of residential and industrial photovoltaic systems, were present in March 2023 over one million solar systems installed across the country, precisely 1,324,089. This represents a significant increase over the previous year, which had 1,222,045 implants. An increase of one hundred thousand units: a symptom of a growing sector.

Photovoltaic systems, over 100,000 installations in one year

The seventh edition of the Photovoltaic Barometer also revealed the 10 Italian provinces that stood out for the highest number of photovoltaic installations in the first three months of 2023. In first place is found Bresciawith an increase of 3,856 new plants, followed by Roma with 3,179 new installations e Padova with 3,111 new plants. Other centers of excellence include Torino with 2,907 new plants, Milano with 2,903 new installations e Vicenza with 2,820 new installations.

Overall, the Italian province with the highest number of solar plants in March 2023 is Rome, which boasts 50,887 plants. They follow Brescia with 45,979 plants, Treviso with 41,303 plants, Padova with 41,168 implants and Vicenza with 35,364 implants. The other provinces in the top ten include Turin, Venice, Bergamo, Milan and Verona.

Elmec solar photovoltaic

This significant growth of photovoltaics in Italy is a positive sign and reflects the country’s commitment to one greater environmental sustainability and the adoption of clean energy sources. But this does not mean that our country should not catch up.

The point of Elmec Solar

Alexander VillaCEO of Elmec Solar and board member of Italia Solare and Confindustria Varese, explains: “The European Union has set a target of 40% renewable energy by 2030 in the Fit for 55 package. In the Old Continent last year there was a true photovoltaic boom in response to rising energy prices and the energy crisis over 40 GW installed throughout the EU, +47% compared to the previous year, and the aim is to reach 50 GW in 2023.

“In Italy, on the other hand, things go slower. Although the sun is one of the symbols of Southern Italy, the greatest concentration of photovoltaic systems is in the North. However, the current photograph on the diffusion of solar energy in Italy shows very positive results with over 100,000 new plants in the first three months of 2023. The path taken is the right one but we need to continue to commit ourselves in this direction to exploit all the potential that is still unexpressed”.

Find more information on the Elmec Solar website.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.