Alcuni iPhone si spengono misteriosamente di notte con iOS 17 thumbnail

Some iPhones turn off mysteriously at night with iOS 17

A curious phenomenon is involving some iPhone models after updating to iOS 17, causing their temporary shutdown during the night. Although it is not yet clear what is causing this problem, the problem seems to mainly affect the latest generation iPhone devices. By skipping important alarms and calls for users.

Nighttime shutdown for some iPhones after iOS 17 update

The first signs of this strange iPhone behavior appeared in a thread on Reddit (via MacRumors), where a user complained that two alarms did not go off as expected. Other users have shared similar experienceshighlighting that it depends on the iPhone turning off at night.

In fact, it seems that iPhones turn off during the night. Some users have noticed that in the morning must enter their access codesuggesting that their device has restarted or turned off during the night.

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Many of the reports refer to the iPhone 15 and models suggest that the problem may be related to iOS 17. However, there are also some indications that other iPhone models have had a problem.

Apple has not yet provided an official statement on the issue, so it’s unclear what is causing this nighttime shutdown. While not all users experience this issue, it appears that the issue is cropping up with some frequency.

To check the problem, you can open the app Settingsby accessing the section Drums and checking the charging status in the last 24 hours. At this time, Apple has not addressed the issue – we will keep you informed.

Walker Ronnie is a tech writer who keeps you informed on the latest developments in the world of technology. With a keen interest in all things tech-related, Walker shares insights and updates on new gadgets, innovative advancements, and digital trends. Stay connected with Walker to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of technology.